Chapter 19- Part 1- Valentine's Day

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Chapter 19- Part 1- Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day. Possibly one of the most cliche days of the year. I mean come on. It is a holiday made up just so Hallmark can sell more cards in a time of the year that is lacking special celebrations. That tells it all.

Of course, after saying that, you probably think I'm bitter. Well I'm not. Honestly. I just think it's kind of a lame way to tell people you care about them. Why express to the love of your life your feelings toward them on Valentine's Day specifically and not just every day?

And of course then I'm sure you are thinking, well it's more romantic. So I'll agree just to get off the topic. I'm not usually this... reproachful (I guess you would say) about Valentine's Day. It's probably just because my Valentine's Day would consist of a mooshoo wishy washy date with my "boyfriend". That would make anyone reproachful right? Well anyway, back to the story.

I'd received word from Olivia that, what do you know? I had a date with Harry today. Big surprise. What entailed after that is what is interesting though. I preceded to get ready in a scarlet red dress, the top being held on by spaghetti straps, the bottom (which ended about at my knees) slightly puffing out and a red bow covering my chest. I'm not normally one for dresses but this one gave the whole day an "air" about it I guess.

Harry picked me up in his range rover as normal, and things were quiet between us. His greeting was a chaste kiss on the cheek, accompanied by a "Happy Valentine's Day". I don't like Harry as more than anything besides an... acquaintance; that kiss in the kitchen several days before was misguided and shouldn't have happened. I told myself and keep telling myself I didn't feel any butterflies. How am I supposed to know whether I like a person when the only relationship I've ever had was years ago anyway; I can't even remember what it feels like to have an interest in a guy anymore.

Harry and I arrived to the quiet park where our date would take place. He set out a checkered picnic blanket (cliche I know) and laid our food down.

The sun was starting to drop from the sky and I tried to imagine it's feelings toward the closure of such a happy day for most couples. And then I thought, what about the sun? Dimples popped up in my vision along with a sad smile adorning its face. Is it happy it's only job every day is to tell people the right time to get up and the right time to close their eyes? Does Valentine's Day mean anything to the sun itself?

Is that going to be me? I questioned myself. Doing stuff just to make other people happy? No. I already chose to pretend to be Harry's girlfriend for my path, to earn money for college. But is this what I want now: to fake a relationship with someone only in order to lead me through my path in life faster...

I brought my attention back to Harry, pushing the thoughts attempting to swallow me whole into the corner of my mind.

Harry lay down and rested his head on his folded arms behind his neck. I lay my body next to his. "What does Valentine's Day mean to you Harry?" I questioned him directly, throwing away my fears of looking him in the eyes since the event in his kitchen.

He was silent for a while, and I almost thought he didn't hear me. I took a peek through the corner of my left eye for any sign that he indeed heard my question. His eyebrows were scrunched up and line after line of wrinkles formed in crinkles on his forehead. I found it slightly adorable, in a completely platonic way considering that's all it was between us.

"To me, it's represents the message of love." A sigh escaped his mouth and I strained my ears to hear his words, listening intently because I didn't want to miss a syllable.

"I don't mean necessarily between a man and women like in a marriage exactly, although it could. I mean like love between brothers, sisters, moms and dads; families, new couples, friends." After he mentioned the word friends his right hand gestured to the space between the two of us. The hairs stood up on my skin, shivers tingled my spine and I let out a incoherent shaky exhalation. The way he said that made me feel odd. Is he trying to say he cares about me, even as a friend?

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