Chapter 8- More Disturbing Dreams

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~Chapter 8- More Disturbing Dreams~

My hand reached out to touch my mother's to reassure her everything would be okay whatever the problem was. The thing was though, I didn't know the problem at that time, and I also didn't know that I was the one that would need more reassuring than her.

I opened my mouth to ask the problem only to shut it realizing the police officer wasn't finished asking questions.

"Ma'am, can you tell me what you knew about this girl, Gabriella? Her personality? Her relation to your family? We are trying to gather as much information about her as we can. You must understand that ma'am." The burly police officer looked straight into my mom's eyes.

She had trouble talking though; therefore, I thought why not help answer the questions. My voice was still shaky because I was afraid of what had happened to her, but I answered them anyway.

"Well, Gabriella is one of my best friends and we have known each other since we were 4. She's a really special girl; she's artistic, sweet, humble, and really funny at times. She's not only my best friend but we are family friends."

The police officer looked deep in thought, formulating another question in his head before speaking it aloud.

"Did she ever have any suicidal tendencies before?"

That one question left me speechless. Not only could I not find the words to a) answer the question or b) ask why in the world he would ask that, but I literally couldn't get anything out of my mouth. I was incapable of uttering a single word. When I tried, a mutated gurgle fell out.

I finally managed a several syllables but they came out stuttered and detached from one another. "Wha-what, wh-wh- why are you asking me that?" My voice trembled and shook, quaked and shivered all at once.

You know those times that you ask a question just because you want to hear a different answer? You already know the answer inside but you want to physically hear something different so you can tell yourself there is no problem. Well, this was one of those times. I knew that either she had done suicide and successfully taken her life away brutally not only from herself but her friends, families, and peers, or she had tried to take it away. Or of course, there was some big misunderstanding; I hoped for the last of the options.

How could someone think like that? How could they think nobody wanted them enough in the world to do something like that?

Beyond them feeling sorry for themselves, it can be selfish sometimes. If people live lets say in a really nice place like Washington or California or England, and they take their lives away because they were hurt, think about all the kids that didn't have that choice; that DON'T have that chance. They are the ones in Africa that wonder whether they will have enough water the next day or enough food to keep on going. Or if they will have to succumb to the disease that's been plaguing them for weeks, months, maybe years.

By this time, my mom had calmed enough to tell me what I didn't want to hear. "Honey, Gabriella," she paused as more tears threatened to clog her mouth. "She attempted suicide by overdosing on pills."

If my mouth hadn't dropped enough at the first question about suicidal tendencies, it sure as h*ll was on the ground now.

She seemed happy though, or I had though she did. Had I been too wrapped up in other events like Will dumping me? Had she shown signs of being unhappy enough to try suicide? Was I that horrible of a friend to not realize it? My eyebrows knit together as I deeply frowned showing my confusion and disbelief.

"When did this happen officer?! Is she going to be okay?! She will live right?!" The words launched out of my mouth in an almost yell.

"I believe so. We had a report come in earlier today down at the police station by her sister who had walked in the bathroom to see her unconscious. The paramedics arrived and I was dispatched to go around the neighborhood and ask around about her. I'm sorry miss but that's about all I know." He sighed heavily whilst shaking his head. "I hope she gets help."

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