Chapter 9- To the Beach and Away!

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~Chapter 9- To the Beach and Away!~

My phone had read 78 degrees at the beach when I checked it this morning. Therefore I had dressed in a bikini with a long white ruffled skirt that showed part of my leg on the side and had a built in big brown belt. For a top I wore a loose, flowing, see- through white halter top. My bikini was multicolored and had fringe hanging down from the top with a mismatched bottom that was black with colorful mini roses.

I like the beachy, hippie look. I felt really carefree whenever I took the look on. Too bad that didn't work for me today.

Why am I at the beach might you ask? Well since Harry and I did such a great job pretending at Disneyland, she wanted us to carry on and sent us to the beach for a "romantic wind-swept" date. And yes, I put quotes around those because they were the exact words sent in the text to both Harry and I. I swear, Olivia can be a little kookoo sometimes.

I didn't complain about the beach though. I didn't want to go on another date since the last one had ended so awkwardly, but at least it is at the beach.

All that was on my mind was Harry, Gabriella, and that almost kiss. Harry said it was for the paparazzi but I just got this feeling there was a possibility it wasn't for the paps. Maybe I'm crazy; that could be it.

Oh and not to mention the horrible recurring nightmare I had yet again. I hadn't had them since I left England. They always went the same way. They started out with me receiving a distressed call from my mom only to have me be pulled over by the police and taken home. I then would find out Gabriella attempted suicide and that's where they stopped. Although I'm not sure why, they'd never gotten any further.

Sitting here on the beach next to Harry, I was consumed by my thoughts. They eat me alive.

"Emma, are you okay? You look kind of pale..." Harry's deep voice pierced my thoughts. Since when does he want to talk to me? We haven't really talked since Disneyland and I had gotten used to the silence. I guess I should be happy he noticed I was pale; it meant he didn't just check out of his mind when we went on dates.

"Um- er- well, ya uh I guess. I'm fine. Just thinking..." I replied, stuttering and falling all over my words.

"Ya. Me too. About Tuesday at Disneyland, I -" I could have sworn he was going to say something about us almost kissing only to be interrupted by my phone buzzing.

He glanced towards it and nodded, signaling me to check it.

Olivia- A walk on the beach is nice and romantic, don't you think? And how lovely would it look you two holding hands and clinging to each other?

I mentally rolled my eyes while I physically scoffed out loud. The thing about Olivia is I think she likes telling us what to do without directly telling us but you get the same conclusion anyway.

"She wants us to take a walk on the beach, Harry. And we have to make sure to 'hold hands and cling to each other', I added, my hands quoting the last some words.

"Alright." Harry pulled his body up and held a hand out in front of me. I was so shocked by the welcome gesture that I just stared at his hand instead of taking it.

"Well? Are you going to take it or not?" He chuckled. That snapped me out of the weird trance I was in. My fingers took his hand and intertwined them with his as I got up and we started to stroll down the sandy beach.

My eyes scanned the waves, first looking for signs of water life like dolphins or seals, then for people on boards.

I walked closer to the icy water to let it soak and drift in between my toes. It tickled a bit and I let out a gasp because of the shock it brought to me. I couldn't help but notice the smile on Harry's face as he squiggled (if that's even a word lol) his toes in the sand.

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