Chapter 7- Second Thoughts and Guilty Feelings

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~Chapter 7- Second Thoughts and Guilty Feelings ~

Harry's P.O.V.

I observed the light show with my eyes, but in my head, my gears were turning. The day I had with Emma was hard to describe... It wasn't horrible which was wierd considering I had already written her off. I pretended I didn't know her, that I didn't remember her from England. It was for the best. I did what I did then to protect her and she didn't need to know that.

Through the corner of my eye I could tell she was staring at me so I whipped my head to look at her. I got lost in my thoughts and my body took control. I steadily slowly moved towards her, our faces being inches, then centimeters apart. My lips brushed her plump ones and it tingled.

I was turned on and I didn't even like her. I mean not really that is. I didn't think I did... Did I?

Maybe I just like the company and it doesn't matter who the company is. I had gotten used to her, that was true. I liked having another body with me. I was so used to having love with a girl at night then waking up to see an empty bed next to me with no signs she had been there at all, not even a note.

I suddenly yearned for my lips to feel and explore hers. I was so close too, but something happened. She pulled away and faced the other direction. After what I'm assuming was composing herself, she turned to face me.

I was surprised by the look on her face. I at least expected yearning, all the girls fell for me. I didn't see yearning though; or happiness, or surprise, or any of the emotions I expected. I saw...


It pulsed through her face, surfacing everywhere especially in her turquoise eyes.

This was new to me; I think I might know where it came from then. It was understandable too, I would probably stay away from myself if I was in her position. No matter where the guilt came from, I couldn't take rejection; it would hurt my image so I quickly spit out a reason.

"There was a paparazzi, Emma. Why else would I kiss you? Chill out." I scoffed at the end to make it more believable and I knew it had worked once her face morphed into a different emotion: hurt.

I lied to myself though. My body had taken control and I let it. I didn't stop it from taking control. I could have prevented the situation but instead I let it run it's course. Is it because I wanted it to happen? I sure hope not.

I got up, suddenly losing all interest I had in the light show. "Let's go. I'm sick of this place." That wasn't true either. I actually had a good time; I decided Disneyland was worth it but I couldn't tell Emma I had fun with her. It would change things too much.


Emma's P.O.V.

I couldn't let it happen. I couldn't let THIS happen. It wasn't right. Not after what Gabriella went through because of Harry.

Guilt took over once again and I pulled my face away from Harry's lips and turned away so my back faced him. I needed to compose myself and when I was ready, I turned back to Harry.

"There was a paparazzi, Emma. Why else would I kiss you? Chill out." He said. He even added a scoff to make me feel worse about myself. Great. I still don't think he remembers Gabriella so he wouldn't know why I pulled away.

I know I shouldn't feel guilty though. He was doing it for the paparazzi and nothing else.

After that, he didn't want to stay. He sent all the signals out of a person being upset but I could never tell with him, because he always seemed pissed off, Disneyland being the first place he wasn't.

Diminishing Hate, Growing Love (One Direction Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz