Chapter 16- He's Not So Bad

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Chapter 16~He's Not So Bad

Tangy. That was literally the first word that came into my mind while kissing Liam. His lips tasted like pineapples and mangos.

It was a good kiss I'll admit. Probably the best I have ever had. Of course, the only ever kisses I've shared with someone were with Will.

Our kiss ended softly and words tumbled out of my mouth. "Erm, Liam? Have you eaten any pineapples or mangos lately?" I chuckled with my eyes traveling the floor. My cheeks heated to a rosy embarrassment. I've never really been one to make the first move on a guy so this was new to me. Not that I regretted kissing Liam.

He looked at me, his eyes scanning my face and started laughing. And then that got me laughing really quite hard until I had rolled off of the couch and was clutching my abdomen on the ground. Before today, I had never actually lmao and rofl. And then thinking about how I was rolling around on Liam's carpet laughing made me start to laugh harder. As Liam and my laughing fit died down, I wiped the nonexistent tears from my eyes and situated myself back on the couch.

"Yes, actually. I had pineapple mango juice for dinner." Liam playfully chuckled, all awkwardness gone as fast as it had appeared. "Now that we are both wide awake from laughing so much what do you say we watch a movie?" The question seemed to be asked from his chocolate brown eyes as they peered into mine.

"Sure, Liam. Ever seen Miss Congeniality with Sandra Bullock? It's literally the funniest movie you will ever see."

"You've got me sold. I'll find it on Netflix."


Now I'm not going to lie. We did not wake up all cuddled together on the love seat couch the next morning. To tell you the truth, my arm was slung off the couch and my head was on the hand rest, a dark stain on the couch from where drool had most likely slobbered out of my mouth during the night. Liam was on the opposite side of the couch, his legs parallel to mine and head situated on a pillow.

A ringing sound was reverberating in my ears as the memories of last night, or this morning technically, flooded my mind.

I silently laughed at myself, remembering when I started cracking up during the point of the movie when Victor and Sandra were having dinner and he said, "could you repeat the question? I was distracted by the half masticated cow rolling around in your wide open trap." Liam looked at me like I was some weirdo, which I kinda am. That quote always gets me though.

And that brings me to Liam; we kissed.. It wasn't awkward between us. It was more like we forgot about it. It was a nice kiss though. My head pounded from the awkward positioning I had fallen asleep last night in.

The ringing sound increased as I finally concluded it was the doorbell. My hand patted around under the couch, searching for my phone. After I found it, I brought it to my face, the bright screen forcing my eyes to shut halfway. 11:13. Woah, we slept late. 4 messages from Mom popped up on the lit screen as well. Oh right. I forgot to tell my parents...

The ringing ceased only for a loud pounding on the door to start. I bit my tongue so as to not yell at who was so incessantly making it known that they needed to get in the house. My eyes glanced toward Liam who was starting to wake up.

"I'll get the door, Liam." I strode over to the door and tried to pat my hair down, which probably looked like a bird's nest from sleeping on the couch, simultaneously. I heard a chuckle behind me. "Oh shuddup, Liam," the smirk on my face evident in my voice.

I swung open the door as the knocker was about to rap on the door yet again.



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