We Won't Be Seventeen Forever

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Hi you guys!!! I'm so very sorry I'm terrible at updating :P I tried to make this chapter a bit longer JUST to please you guys 'cause this a really cute chapter, at least in my opinion :D

Anyway...I'm so excited! It's spring break! Haha :) Oh! So I came up with an idea for a new story (that's not btr related, but I think it sounds REALLY cool & mysterious :3) It's gonna be called "Covered in Glamour" :D Hope to update that real soon haha :)

The song is Seventeen Forever (how fitting, lol? Even though I think I made them like 16, but that's not the point! x3) And the picture is of (claro) James Maslow :DD Aww, Mazzy he's always adorable <3 

Welp, enjoy you guys :D

{Colette’s PoV}

(Three days later)

                Why do I feel like I belong here? I don’t remember ever feeling this surge of acceptance from people I haven’t seen in years…from people who I just started remembering about a week ago.

                James, Kat, Dakota, and I are all standing in the Maslow’s kitchen. I’m leaning against the whit cabinet, staring out the glass window that gazes into the snowy bliss outside. James has his arm around me, grinning. Dakota’s getting some water for Kat, as she sits at the wooden table, glancing up at Dakota with big, coffee bean eyes.

                “Col?” James’ whisper climbs into my ear, tickling my heart playfully. I shake my head and my eyes lock with his ivory infused with chocolate eyes, gleaming with a specific sparkle.

                “Yes?” I murmur back at him as his lips twist upward even farther. I slide my arm around his back and inhale his scent of coffee, snow, and heaven.

                “I wanna take you somewhere special, honey.” He grins happily, grabbing my hand playfully and kissing it, feeling like the wings of invisible butterflies flapping.

                A bright blush washes onto my face, my stomach churning in knots, my heart pounding into my eardrums in steady, deafening beats. I squeeze his hand and smile into his mushy caramel instilled with deep ebony eyes. The breath exhaling from my throat catches and falls away as I see the love glistening from his luminous, graceful eyes. My head is bounding along with my defiant heart, my thoughts never stopping as I keep replaying the words James had just crooned. Somewhere special.

                “Okay, James,” I giggle delicately, staring into his magnetizing eyes, pulling me in with that glorious smile, and his alluring personality.

                “Let’s go then.” He laughs, dragging me behind him lightheartedly as I just keep grinning.

                “Hey! Where are you two going?” Kat’s eyes look back in forth between us, arms crossed over her chest, her eyebrows raised up to her forehead obviously waiting for an explanation.

                A blush floods my cheeks as James’ smile grows. “Uh, nowhere…why?” I sputter.

                Her eyebrows raise and her eyes cast me a really? look. My blush worsens to a bright cranberry as James smoothly says, “I’m just taking Col out for a while. And no, we’re not gonna do that.

                Kat laughs and holds her hands up, “Hey, I never said you would. I still trust you…somewhat.”

                James sticks his tongue out at his sister and they both laugh. Suddenly, James’ eyes are on me, just me, and my heart starts tripping over itself. “C’mon, let’s go before my sister makes us stay.” He grins teasingly as he tugs my hand gently forward. “C’mon, Col.” His tender laughter soft as it tickles my heart.

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