The sound of bubbling water filled my ears. Then, I was plunged into ice. Water, filled my ears, my nose, my mouth, suffocating me. I was lost and the last thing I remember before fading to blackness were blue roses falling into the depths of the dark waters.

I woke up in cold sweat.

Shaking, I sat up in bed and wiped my brow with my sleeve. You're fine; you're at Aiden's house.

1:39 am. I groaned and flopped back against the bed rest, letting my heart calm down to a normal thud.

What a dream.

Fragments of that dream-memory came back in shards every night, but today was the first time I'd fully remembered it. My hand went to rub my chest and abdomen, where the brunt of the accident had struck me; it had decided that it wanted to ache tonight of all nights and it hurt like a bitch.

I flung the bed covers off myself, carefully padding down the stairs. I felt my face and found my cheeks were damp. Maybe it was from how disconcerting the dream was, as well as how much my body ached.

I immediately poured  myself a glass of cold water with ice. I sighed and drank in silence.

"April?" I jumped at the sound, before realizing it was only Daniel. His hair stuck up in every direction and he wore a grey t-shirt and basketball shorts.

"Did I wake you?"

"No," he yawned, padding over silently to the fridge. "Argh, I'm hungry. Want something to eat?"

"No, I'm good thanks." I paused, watching him rummage through the fridge until he made an ah noise.

"Why are you awake?"

"Couldn't sleep," I half-lied. "You?"

"Same... And I was hungry." He admitted.

I quietly finished my glass of water and stood, ready to go back upstairs and not sleep for the rest of the night because of that dream.

"Don't go. Please?" I felt my heart tug at his tone. "I felt bad about today with Rick. One of us should have stepped in to punch that dick-fuck. I'm sorry"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't apologise, it wasn't your fault. It's been sorted out anyway. Once an idiot, always an idiot, right?"

"You forgive too easily."

"And you werewolves don't." I accused, glaring at him.

"Hey! Don't be speciest!"

He suddenly dropped the knife and leaned against the counter top. "I need your help April. Diego said you were good at this kind of stuff," he trailed off, waving his hand around in the air as though to magically make me understand what he was trying to say.


"Yeah, that. Umh, so anyway... Beau likes Barbara and I think they may be mates." He blurted out.

My mouth dropped. Beau told you about the 'girl-mate' material he met... Barbara was conflicted with another guy. 

"Beau likes Barbara?"

He nodded. "If Beau finds her and they become mates... what'll happen to my my best friend?"

"That's what you're worried about?" My voice dripped with incredulity and I instantly felt bad afterwards.

"Well yeah, I mean if Barbara and Beau are mates, then we won't be able to pick up girls anymore. He'll be so whipped about her, he'll forget about his friends... I'll be alone." 

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