Eight || Hosung & A Fight

Start from the beginning

"That is correct," the teacher replies with a nod as she smiles at him before giving me a stern expression, "Miss Yong, this is a place of learning, not for going to dreamland. Do I make myself clear?" I sigh as I nod and look down in shame. I've been so distracted that it's affecting my school work. Hana pats my shoulder in encouragement. I force a smile to her as the class goes on. Class goes on at a regular pace, but for me it felt like it took forever. Lunch came though. I pack my things up before leaving the room with him.

"I can't believe it," I mutter under my breath, but loud enough for her to hear. She glances at me when she hears me. "That was my first time getting scolded by a teacher for not paying attention in class."

"Well, yeah, that's because you almost never get distracted," she states as we enter our locker bay. We put our stuff in our lockers before heading to the cafeteria. "It's hard when you're crushing on someone to concentrate on anything else, but the person you're crushing on. I've went through that, so I know how it feels. It'll get easier, trust me." I nod in understanding as we take our seats. I nimble on my food. I'm not really that hungry to be honest. I barely eat any of my food. "Girl, eat or you're not going to have any energy to get through the day."

"I've lost my appetite," I murmur as I push my plate away. She gives me a concerned expression, but I pretend not to notice. As I sit there, I notice something out of the corner of my eye. I glance up to see a figure walking past the window of the cafeteria. It's a boy and he seems to staggering. I narrow my eyes to get a clearer view, but it doesn't help that much. Although, I do see something that seems familiar. I see the familiar black hair. Hosung? I stand up and look at the window curiously. The others look at me in confusion.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Hana asks in confusion and curiosity. Soon the guy's figure goes out of sight as the view of the window cuts off.

"I'll see you guys in class," I say as I get out of my seat and make my way out of the cafeteria. I notice in the window that the guy I saw still staggering. He seems to stop behind the back of the building. Curious, I walk outside and to where he staggered to. I turn the corner and glance around the back. As expected, the boy is there and he's sitting on the ground, his head resting in his hands. I get a closer look and it is indeed Hosung. He notices eyes on him and glances up. I gasp when I see his face. His eye is swollen and his lip is bleeding badly. "Oh my god! Hosung!" I rush to his side and sit beside him. He seems slightly surprised by this and stares at me before looking away.

"What are you doing here? Go away," he says dismissively as he turns his head away from me, but I don't budge. He clicks his tongue at this. "I said go away!"

"No! I'm not going to leave you here when you're clearly badly hurt," I refuse, shaking my head. He stares at me for a moment before sighing.

"You're....... not scared of me?" He asks in curiosity. A look of hope flashes through his eyes. I shake my head. "You're a strange girl." I shrug in response as I stare at his wounds with concern and reach my hand up. He moves his face a little ways away when he notices my hand coming closer, but I continue to reach my hand up until it finally reaches his face. I touch the spot just below his swollen eye.

"Does it hurt a lot?" I ask in concern. He shakes his head, but when I move my hand a little bit closer to the wound he winces in pain. "You're a bad liar." He glances up at me and I send him a teasing grin before removing my hand. "Come on, let's get you to the nurse's office and clean your wounds off." I stand up and glance at him. He doesn't move from his spot. "Boy, you're stubborn."

"I'd rather not go the nurse's office," he voices as he leans against the brick wall. I sigh as an annoyed expression washes over my face.

"Fine, wait here, I'll be back with a first aid kit," I instruct as I go to leave, but I hear him mutter something to himself and I turn back around.

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