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( There dos'nt seem to be anyone below.) I told myself.

I slide my sword to my back into it's sheath.

{ Small time skip}

The sun was up all the way.

I found a break in the forest. I stood on a cliff, looking far out to the nature around me.

"Uwwaahh kirei..!" I could see for miles.

"Oi..! hayaku..!" I hear voices echo from way below me, the sounds of many men.

I looked down, seeing groups of men with swords at their side, walking heading to where I came from.

"....That isn't them....." My smile dropped.

"I better keep away from them. For my safety."

I watched them leave until they where out of sight.

I sigh and turn around walking back into the woods.

I take one step, only to realize the ground below me gave out.

"!! ah..!" I go crashing down over the grassy cliff.

*Bam crack...!

I roll down the steep cliff, rocks dig into my legs.

" Ah ! * Bang! T! iittteeh!"

My sword blocking my back from eating any damage on it while I dive down.

I could just hear Hijikata's voice yelling at me, like if he was in my face. " You idiot...! I told you realy on us more!"

* Crack, snap

I broke branches as I arrive on the path where I saw the men below.

"Now!" I yank my sword out from my seeth.

I sink it down into the dirt as I slide on my stomach.

*SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH cling cccling..shhhhhhhhh!!!

The blade his rock here and then.

"K! come one work!!" I tried to slow myself down.


Only to see I have failed.

"AHH What the heck!!" I shout in English.

*FFwwwt! cling!

I was thrown once again over the next drop.

"!!!!!!" I gripped my sword with all my power.

"Souji is going to kill me for sure now!!"

I didn't even want to figure out, what facial expression Hijikata held,if he saw me falling to my death.

* Crack!*

The last thing I heard, was me breaking something.


My eyes fluttered open, to a butterfly just in front of my eyes.


I looked up finding myself lying in a meadow, with flowers and tall grass.

There was no one here.

I sit up on the soft grass.

I see my sword a few inches away from me.

I grab it and slide it back into its sheath. The meadow sparkled with nature. Butterflies flew around. The air was soo clean, and crisp.

I lifted my injured body and stood firm on my feet. I needed to find water.

Fixing my hair a little, I started walking ahead.


Who knows how far away, walked the Shinsengumi.

Heisuke walked with his arms behind his head. He was getting bored.

Hijikata walked with his head held high, but inside his heart, he was worried.

Souji walked using his sword as a cane. It was starting to bug Saitou a little. A sword was not meant to be used as a cane in his mind.

Sano walked next to Heisuke, and Shinpachi. They all said nothing.

Saitou's eyes seemed to darken from all the stress on him.

".....mattaku........she really ditched us this time. Didn't she?" Souji looked in Hijikata's direction.

"Mhf...........Souji............she didn't just leave us. Even she isn't stupid." Hijikata's voice was a little stern.

"....." Saitou just stayed quiet.


"Mizu..." I collapse right at the little lake.

I lay on my face, I begin to drink.

"..Ha..! yokkata. I thought I was going to die there."

I sit, slowly sprinkling water on my cuts.

"FFT....!.teh......." I hiss at the pain.

After taking some much well needed rest. I was clean from blood now.

* .......s.sshhhhhh.....s.shh.

"....!..." I hear a sound coming from inside of the trees.

Turning my head, I see nothing.

"......( This isn't good....)" My gut told me something was wrong.

I scan my surroundings. My eyes sharp, like Souji when he is in kill mode. His emerald eyes that send you're own body into shock, frozen in fear.

Out of no where a scream comes up behind me.


"! KYAH!" * CLING!*

Different Times Saito X Reader X Hijikata X Souji X ShinsengumiWhere stories live. Discover now