
387 15 1

Ibuki sits me down in my room.

I wait for him to return with water.

He comes in with water.

Since he can't deal with my bruises on my back.

He cleans my face.

Being careful not to touch the bruise, and slap mark.

"Chh." I say.

He drawls back." Sorry.."

He slowly leans back in whipping my face.

Ibuki leaves leaving the water for me.

I sit rolling up my shirt. I stare seeing my bruises are deep black.

I slowly grabs the wet cloth. Knowing if I put water on my bruise it will help.
I hold in my breath, as I bring it down over my bruise.

I wince. " Aaooow... ow ow ow ow...." I lift up the cloth.

Then cleaning the rest while I hold in my breath.

A squeak leaves my mouth as I touch a really sensitive bruise.

I look seeing its as black as a black hole. Darker than black, black then night.

It was swollen a little. This must of been were the men kicked me hard.

I pretended like nothing happened.

That's when I hear a knock on my door.

" Come in." Ibuki walked in.

" Food is done." I nod standing.

He leads me to the dinning room.

All the guys at there but Hijikata, and Kondou.

I was glad because Hijikata is most likely still made at me.

"Hey! ___ come sit with us!" Shinpachi shouted with Saitou beside him trying to block his big mouth out.

Heisuke just smiled.

I did just as he said, and say beside Shinpachi, and Saitou.

The foot was brought in by Chizuru. She smiled. " Enjoy."

The food was a hotpot. It had lots of vegetables, and meat floating inside the pot.

Right off the bat Heisuke, and Shinpachi bolt for the same piece of meat.

"Shinpachi this is mine!" Heisuke yanked on the meat.

"The taller men need more food!" Shinpachi yelled.

I sigh as I ate some veggies.

"Grr!! Let goo!!" Heisuke shouted.

"Why does this happen..."

Saito speaks up." (This only happens when Hijikata isn't around.We never know how it ends.)" Saito spoke in English.

* slip.

My eyes widen as the meat slips out of Heisuke's chopstick.

Everyone gasp, as the door swings open showing Hijikata.

Soji pretty much giggling in the background totally amused.


The pieced meat smacks Hijikata in the forehead.

I look at how angry he just got.

Then Heisuke's mouth goes off trying to apologise, making up small stories at the same time.

I sigh that this won't end well.

With in a blink of the eye. Shinpachi has shifted to the tea drinking part of the room.

"Ah! Shinpachi your mean!" Whined Heisuke.

I felt so bad for Heisuke I knew Hijikata would punish him. So I think fast.

I speak up." Hijikata please don't punch Heisuke." I stand up. The guys all look at me as I have the guts to speak to him, when he is in a fowl mood.

"And why shouldn't i?" Hijikata asked back twitching.

"Because"( I can truly tell that Heisuke did not mean any harm. Also punching does not always solve the problem."

Right then I seriously thought Hjikata would punch me. However, I was wrong he dropped the hole thing. He just sat down, and at. Everyone was suprized, that I defended Heisuke a little.

All the guys just looked at me, I ignored them.

As I ate all of a sudden a image showed up in my head.It had blood. My eyes widen as I look at my bowl loosing my apatite.

I stand up running out of the room. The guys gasp. "__!?"

I run to the side of the building where the water sinks where.

I saw I Ibiki, and Soji run after me minuets later. However I ran, and didn't stop.
"Hey! ___ wait..." They called to me.

I ran all the way to the bridge. Then turned my back to the edge. I was all the way pressed against the side.

The two came to face me a few meters away.

"___? Why did you run?

My eyes were wide as I saw images of blood flash before my eyes.

Soji came closer to me, but for some reason I stepped back.

Just about flipping backwards over the edge of the railing.

"___!" Soji ran forward, grasping my wrist as I was already swung over the side.

"Gng.." Souji grunted as he pulled me up.

He looked at me with both his hands on my shoulders. "What's wrong?" He tilted his head.

I shake my head."(I just felt sick.") I answer in English.

"Will you be okay?" They both ask.

I nod. "Yes"

Souji offers me his hand as we walk back.

Since it was supper that we just had the sun has set, but what I saw as I ate made me scared I refused to sleep in my room alone.

Souji walked me back to my room."Here, now sleep. Goodnight." Just as he was about to walk out I shake my head.

" there is no way I'm-" I whisper to myself I reach out p, and grab Souji's sleeve pulling back.

"Huh..?" He turns, and looks at me.

"Please......"( Don't leave me...") I'm scared......." I spoke.

Souji's eyes soften. "Okay, come with me then." He gentle pulls on my hand.

"You can sleep on the futon." He nudged me towards it.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

He nods.

I lay down into the bed really fast yanking the blanket up over my head.

Making Souji blink. He giggles to himself.

He just leaned against the wall, and slept with his sword beside him.

During the night I hear heavy breathing, and it was coming closer.
I didn't want to open my eyes, but It wouldn't go away.

I open my eyes meeting a blood thirsty freak in front of me.

Me eyes go wide, as I tremble.

Soji was fast asleep, but it was either scream waking him up or die.

However, I had is different mind in plan.

It two seconds I reach for my sword.

The white haired blood thirsty man shrieked.

I yank out my sword clashing it with his.

The sound of the clashing blade woke Souji up. His emerald eyes went wide when he saw me, fighting a fury.


"Hehahahahah! Blood blood blood!! Give me your blood!!" The fury reached over with one hand swiping at my arm.

I wince at his claw slashing in to arm. "Nhg."

The man pushed down hard on the sword flattening me down, on my back to the wooden floor.

"G gg.. Souji.." I choked out as the fury held his sword to my throat.

"My your came to her first...." Smirked Souji.

"She may be easy to kill, but she is not on the menu to did! Haaa!"


Souji drew his sword shoving off the fury.

I stood up holding my sword out I front of me.

The fury comes clashing right at me. Souji jumping in beside me with a clash of metal , we both hold off the fury at the same time. Both our sword are trying to push off the fury.

"Ahhhhhhh! strong!.." I clench my teeth. Souji looks at me worried that we won't be able to hold him off forever.

"Hang in there ____!" Soji said forcing back at the enemies sword hard. Just as Soji pushed forward the fury took his chance sweeping at me with his sword. Making Soji crash forward towards the door, and slash me across the face with it.




"G!"I doge the furies sword as my one hand on my face just under my eye, trying to keep the blood from spilling everywhere.


I scream." AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"


I just roll out of the way as the fury plunges the sword into the wall.

*THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP the sound of foot steps running approach fast.

The door swings open.


Harada, Shinpachi, Heisuke,Saitou's eyes wide. As they see me in a life or death situation, holding my face with one hand as I duck away from the fury trying to yank his sword out of the wall.

Soji not able to even get near me as the fury kicks him hard.

"Soji!" Harada spoke.

"Sano, guys help her!" As Soji plunges his sword into the furies back. One more yank of the furies arms he pulls the sword out sweeping it towards me.

Sano gasps as he charges forward shielding me against the wall as he holds up his spear blocking the sword.

"Hold on!" Sano says from above me as his golden eyes glow with anger, and worry.

Saito, and the other charge at the fury cutting it multiple times, yet he wouldn't fall.

The fury shrieks as his last effort he throws the sword right at me aiming for me!

I close my eyes ducking.


I hear a clack of the sword aimed for me falling down hard on the ground.

I huge sigh leaves my mouth as I fall forward on my knees holding my right eye. My other hand gripping the ground.

"___! Saitou comes to my side. He kneeled down to touching my shoulders making me rise up, and look at him.

I still held my right eye.

"Let me see it." He ordered a little.

I very slowly move my hand. His face almost goes totally white as he sees the cut has just missed my right eye. Being right under it. He sighs knowing it's not my eyes the fury cut.

"Gh ite..!" I put my hand over my right eye again. Blood seeps through the cracks between my fingers.

I knew why Saito was the one to see my eye because he is the sword expert, he knew a lot about swords, and how they cut. So if it something bad he could do something sooner.

With the fury finally dead as it has been stabbed through the heart, and head. Blood spilled all over the room mixing with my own. However, I didn't realise how bad it was till I looked up.

"HUH!" My eye goes wide when I see blood splattered on the wall I get a sick feeling in my stomach.

Saito saw the fear in my eyes. I let go of my right eye. Half my face was covered in blood.

Different Times Saito X Reader X Hijikata X Souji X ShinsengumiWhere stories live. Discover now