🌸 Sono nioi....🌸

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"Done!" I smirked to myself, while I shout in Japanese. Now the time was to get back, not found out what I was up to...

My haired finally dried, and I put on my mixed culture cloths on. I grabbed my small wooden comb, brushing through my hair.

"(.....Mh... my hair is getting very long...." I looked at my hair as it slid through my comb, it was literally as long as Heisuke's now). { That was long!}

Don't get me wrong, I loved long hair, however it seemed like I wanted to add a new style to it. "Like look at this!....even my was bangs literally grew past my shoulders!"

*Qwack qwack!


"(Yeah! if I get back alive, not caught I must just add a new style to my hair, but still keep it fairly long.)" I jumped at my idea.

"Now...go.." I grabbed my stuff, covering the left over flower oil in the bowl, and slowly sneaked out of the field back to the Shinsengumi headquarters.


{Back at the headquaters}

I just passed over the bridge and now I was sneaking over to where the rooms where.

*Th-thump.......th-thump... My heart beat fast against my chest.

(OH...god I'm soo busted if Souji catches me) I thought to myself.

*Patter..........patter...........my bare feet touched down on the ground as I walked down the room way halls.

Bare feet why? you ask, because if I wore my shoes I would be heard from a mile away.
( I swear these guys have super hearing......)

I grabbed my room door pulling on it to open only to find It is stuck.

"!!" ({NO-what!!}) I yelled at myself in English.

*Boom.....boom....boon... I heard foot steps coming closer to me and it was just around the corner.

"Ha.! I knew I smelt something weird." Souji stood facing towards the direction, I use to stand.

"...W-what......Souji..? are you sure someone was spilling some weird stuff around here.....?" Harada stood with a blank face.

"Wha..! come on do you not beleive me?" Souji pointed. "Look! I swear it was there!"

"Mmhhh....sorry Souji..I see nothing.." Harada walked of with Souji still trying to make him believe him.
"Ah! come on!! Haradaaaaa! I'm telling the truth!"


*Pant pant pant

({Omg... I made* pant It.........}) I collapsed o the ground still in shock that I lived through that.

(Rewind a few second before)

"G!...K!....." ({Come one!!! open!!!!!}) I yanked like mad on the door.

"K....ngh!!" ({OOPen!!!! AHH!}) I shout at myself.

*Thump thump thump the foot steps got closer

All of a sudden the door flew open, causing me to go crashing inside. The door slammed behind me with the force I fell in head first.

"K! NGH.............................................ugh................" I lay there on my face in shock.

Different Times Saito X Reader X Hijikata X Souji X ShinsengumiWhere stories live. Discover now