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"Now that, that was over.............." I breathed putting my stuff down.

I cover the small bowel of flower oil's in it. ( For later hehe🎵)

Now all I needed is a knife that can cut hair. Something small though, so I could cut through my hair slowly.

* Knock Knock

"!" I heard some one knock on my door.

"..oi....its Ibuki." The young man's voice rang through my walls.

I swallowed playing it cool.

"Yes? what is it?" I spoke in Japanese.

"Its time to eat, could I come in?"

"Ah h-hai..." I replied.

"He slid the door open, he had a kind smile on his face. Though the the sent of the flower bath I just had, he could smell, but he kept his mouth shut.


"Hai....dou shita no ____?Nanika atta no?" { Yes... what is it ____? Did something happen?}

He looked at me with worried eyes.

"Ah.! iie, nanimo." { Ah..! no nothing.} It replied, with a happy face.

"Ahh, that's good....., I was worried for a second."

"(Can you help me... please..?)" I tried my best to ask him in English, so he understood me. I tried to teach the rest of the guys in the past, English as well, but Ibuki was the one who knew the least amount.

"With what?" He replied.

"Ettooo.......( I need a small knife please....., nothing bad, I just want to use it to cut my hair...)"

"A knife..?"

I nod.

"Woah, that is big, I can't wait to see it." He gleamed.

"Yes, but please don't tell anyone. ( I will be there for dinner soon.)" I finished off with English.

He nods with a smile. " Yakusoku." Meaning promise.

"Arigatou." We stood up heading to our little mission.
Me getting to the dinning room without being suspicious, and Ibuki find me a small knife and then come unseen and not seeing the knife on him.

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