🌸Flowers 🌸

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"Finally! * Pant pant) I'm here!" I catch my breath as I drop my things on a near by rock.

There was a slight breeze, the sun was warm. Since spring was just coming the water was still going to be cool.

I look out over the water, far away from sore was a few ducks. The ones Heisuke caught the one time and cooked it for dinner. That duck was also the one to fly head first into Hijikata's forehead. "Ahaha." I giggle as memories flash back to me.

Now to start my plan. " Hana."( or flowers in English)

It was time to put my second part of my plans to the test. I had to go look for flowers.
The best part Is that there are flowers everywhere here. From blue to pink to white.

I slowly start picking flowers, starting with the pink ones. They had a nice sweet smell, that would make the shampoo smell sweet. I pick only as much as I could carry, and use without wasting. After bringing the pink flowers to the rest of my stuff I started looking for blue flowers. They had that clean smell to them.

Making it smell like soap back home. I gather as much as i could carry and brought them back.

Next I picked the white ones. They where the type of flowers that cleaned cloths or anything making them shineyness last longer.

After bringing that back. I sat down and began picking the soft petals off and put them into my small mixing bowl. After that I grabbed a stone near my feet and began crushing the petals with the stone. Making the scent flow over, as the oils of the flowers mixed, making a dark blue mix.

After minuets of crushing till only lyquid was left I was ready to take my bath I waited so long for.

I undressed making sure no one was around, especially no guys. Pulling off the bandage around my injured right eye.

I set the small bowl of flower shampoo at the edge. I began to walk in just putting my toes in first.

"Ah! Its cold.......what ever fft im going in anyways." I took a breath and began walking in slowly.

"All most there......" I walk slowly making sure i don't slip.




I fall right into the water. I landed in the deep end, making me stand on my tippy tose on the small rocks.

" Gah!....omg that was cold..."

I stood there waiting for me to get use to the water.

My hair swishing left and right gently in the water.

After swimming around, I reach out grabbing the small bowl of flower shampoo.

I tilt the bowl over on top of my head.

The oils run through my hair, along with a sweet refreshing smell.

I put the bowl down as I sit at the edge of the lake.

I begin gently rubbing the oils into my hair.

It didn't bubble of course, but I could tell it literally was lifting the dirt right off my hair.

I walk back into the water, and dunk myself under. Washing off all the flower shampoo.

I slowly grab my cloths as I wrap myself the best in it as I can at sit on the rock. Drying myself and hair off the best I could. My hair feeling much lighter now and smelt really nice now.

Different Times Saito X Reader X Hijikata X Souji X ShinsengumiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora