
454 13 1

I sigh thinking how boring it can be with no one around.

I head back to my room. Just as I'm about to open my room I hear yelling.

This catches my ear.

Then I hear Ibiki's voice. I slowly start fallowing the sound. Pretending I'm passing by if the door opens.

I just walk by the door I find Ibiki getting yelled at. When the door swings open, and a sake cup comes flying out the door nailing me in the face.

Ibiki's eyes widen seeing me scrunch my one nose at the pain of the cup.

The pain of the cup wasn't near as bad, as a friend getting yelled at hurt more in my heart.

"Mh." I get up standing in the door way.
The two stop, and watch me.

I hold my anger back a little then.

"Teme stop!(Yelling!) Geeze!" I shout back having one english word thrown in there not caring if the man gets it or not.

By the look of his face he is about to explode. " How dare you talk to me like that! Girl!" He shouts at me about to punch Ibiki.

I run in front of him blocking Ibiki form the attack.

I get nailed hard in the face sending me to fly back out the door nailing my self off the wooden railing. I slump over a little.

"That will teach you! Non of your business on what I do to the dog. The man yells.

I speak with a smirk."( What kind of a master would you be if your servant dies.") I say back in English.

The man gets up stomping out of the room.

I cough slumped by the railing breathing a little hard.

Ibiki runs to me. Sitting me up.

"__! Why why did you?"

"Because your a friend." I answer.

Blood drips down my head from getting nailed.

Not just that the sake cup left a red bruise under my bangs.

His eyes widen. He tries to lift me up , but I don't let him.

"No don't let me sit."

I cough.

"Wait hear I will be back." Ibiki runs out.

I sit slumped. My jaw, and head hurt a lot. I must of hit my head quite hard.

Shortly after that I see Heisuke running back with Ibiki.

The both kneel beside me.

"__! Are you okay?" Heisuke has a worried look on his face.

I just smile with one eye open. " I'm fine."

I whip the blood off my mouth.

Heisuke moves in front of me he lifts my bangs up.

By the look on his face that bump from the sake cup looks quite bad.

Before I knew it a wet cloths has been dabbed onto my head.

It stung a lot. I would grit my teeth trying the throw it off my head. Only to have Ibiki , and Heisuke stopping me.

My face burned a lot still. Even after it was cleaned off.

"Don't be so reckless next time. Your a girl, a man is suppose to protect a girl."
The two smile at me.

I sigh."Fine..."

I stand up walking to the small pond near the rooms.

There is a really big rock just near it. I sit on it.

That's when I hear talking near by.

"I don't know where she went to, she should be close." Says Heisuke scratching his head.

I spot them from a distance. Harada, Ibiki, and Heisuke.

Harada was holding something with a string attacked to it.

Not wanting to get up I stay seeing what will happened.

That's when I see Harada smile in my direction. Right then I realize they found me.

They walk to me.

Harada in the front smiling.

"Hello, ___, here I bought some dango for you." He holds it up.

I take it with a smile." Thank you!"

He smiles as I dig into it eating the 3 sticks on dango.
They we're sweet, so it made me very happy.

Right when I was about to eat the last stick of dango I see Ibiki walking around sulking. Poor guy must of gotten scolded. So I quickly jump of startling Harada.

I run up to I Ibiki.


I shout he looks up with wide eyes seeing me run towards him.

I hold the dango up to his face.

"Here, eat it." I smile.

He blinks." For me?"

I nod. He smiles taking it, and eat it.

Harada smiles from the distance, and walks away.

"Thank you." Ibiki smiles.

I nod, and smile.

I yawn.

Ibiki looks at me." Oh you tired?"

I shake my head." N-no!"

He laughs. "Ah okay okay. Still don't over do it."


I walk away.

As Ibiki watches me leave Harada comes up to him.

"She has a kind heart."

"Mhh? Oh yea. I didn't want to take it from her, but she wanted me to."

Harada pats his head.

"You know ___ isn't from here." Harada says in a calm tone.

"Ga what?"

"It's how I said it. She is alone, she has no mother or father here. She told us she is from the future. One day she just ended up here."

Ibiki couldn't believe his ears." Really? She is all alone. However, I did relize the wh she dresses."

"Heisuke bought her that obi, and the swords sheath. Making her happy."
Harada stares into the distance.

"I wonder if she is lonely...." Ibiki says looking down.

"She may never says, but I think she might be. She won't tell us if she is worried."

"But wait if she isn't from hear how can she speaks to us?"

Harada sighs." She can speak Japanese, but not totally fluent. She doesn't understand everything either. She speaks english too. So some times she mixes it into her speech."

Ibiki's eyes widen." No way... so she tries her best to understand.

"That's why we men need to protect her, she is can be shy. Any jerk can take advantage of her."

The two nod at each other.

I was wandering throughout the temple.

I was a little lonely to tell the truth.

No one was with me. Sure I walked off alone, that was only soo don't get in their way.

I went back to my room at sat there with my door closed shut.

I pulled out my sword looking at it.

Heisuke has gotten is sharpened really well. I was soo thankful to him. I was happy.

That's when I hear a knock on my door.

I stand there in shock on who could it be.

"___? are you hear?"

"Yes." I answer.

Heisuke pops in." Hey, what are you doing alone?" Heisuke sits down I front of me.

"Tell me what's up." Heisuke ordered in a friend like way.

" I um..."

" Tell me." He says.

"Gah fine....I'm hungry.."

"Ehh!? That's all."

I nod.

"Wait here." Heisuke gets up running out.

Minuets laters he comes back giving me a plate of rise balls.

My eye widen. " Heisuke.?" "( Did you make these?") I ask with some english.

"Yes now eat." He smiles at me.

I smile picking up a rise ball.

After eating all three of them. It was dark outside. Heisuke stayed with me till I finished.

I finish eating. " Ah thanks...." I say.

He nods getting up." Goodnight then." Heisuke said leaving the room.

I go to sleep for the night.

I wake up to sound of birds chirping.I wake up getting dressed, and brush my hair.

I slowly slide my door open. I poke my head out. Seeing no one.

I walk out to the right. As I just pass by a door swings open showing Hijikata in the doorway.

I was always a little scared of Hijikata, to me he didn't seem too friendly, more like he scared people away.

"I'm sorry!" I say walking away. His eyes life up then. I drove myself far away from him.

As I was about to turn passing by Soji, a hand grasps my wrist.

"Wait a minuet. What's the hurry?" Soji said pulling my hand up to his face, as he smirked.

He was much taller then me. I wasn't short but still. His smirk, and teasing tone made me quiver under his touch, and those elusive green eyes.

" Soji."

Soji turned his head spotting Hijikata." Hijikata? What's wrong?"

Soji' grip was strong, yet a little gentle, he was holding back a lot. As Hijikata approached Soji dropped my hand down to his side, but his hands still held my wrist.

"Hijikata does she have anything to do with you by any chance?"

Hijikata sighs." She was at my door step when I stepped out of my room. Then she said sorry, and ran off."

"Mmmmmh?" Soji looks at me tilting his head.

"( I was just passing by.....")

"What ever it's okay.." Hijikata walks off.

Soji then looks at me again he pulls my hand up to his face.
"If you were lying, I might of just had to kill you." He smirked.

I look down being a little scared on why he was still holding my wrist.

Then I feel my hand touch something warm. I twitch.

He laughs a second." T haha. Are you really that scared?"

I look up a little seeing my hand touched the side of his face.
He drops my hand not being amused anymore.

Just as he was about to walk away he turns his head to me." By the way your hand was cold. Don't catch a cold." He walks away leaving me in the dark.

I sigh leaving going of a walk alone.

I stayed close enough I thought. Just incase.

Not knowing how long I was out for. All of a sudden three men jump out in front of me.

"Ah what do we got hear, a girl walking by her self, so dangerous." The men smirked.

The one grabs my hand." Hey let me go!"

"Don't talk back to me!" The man prepares to punch me in the face.

He holds a fist. My eyes go wide." Please don't!"

* Boom!

I get nailed in the face. I am sent flying back onto the ground.

I hold the side of my face in pain ,just as I was going to say something the man steps on my back.

"Ah!" I shout as he pushing me down ingot the dirt hard. I get kicked by the other men.

Getting bruised all over.

They just laugh as I am kicked into the dirt.

" STOP!!!"

All of a sudden the men stop kicking me.

I hear a voice." DONT Just Touch her! because she is so darn cute."

My stomach drops at those words. Knowing I will be okay.

I hear clinging of metal, until the men run away.

I still lay in the dirt face down.

Seconds after that I hear footsteps approach me.

I feel myself get lifted off the ground. I groan." Mmhhrr..."

"Your alive!" I see Ibiki's worried face.

Then I see Soji kneel down I front of me. He looks at me." They really did a number on you. Bad girl walking off without telling us." Soji scolded me a little.

I just watch not able to reply as my swollen cheek burned. I also had some blood on the corner of my mouth.

I look down.

"T...." I say at my painful feeling body.

The guys sigh." Let's bring her back." Said Soji.

"Ah right." Ibiki wanted to lift me up, but I jumped out of his grip.

I follow Souji walking on my own two feet.

As we arrive through the main gate Hijikata comes walking in with a little bit of a scary face.

He walks up to me. While Souji, Ibiki, and Harada stood meters away.



My eyes widen, I just got slapped, the slap was more like a punch because I lost my balance, and fell backwards crashing into Soji.

The guys eyes widen.

I slide down to the ground leaning against Soji's legs.

"That was for being stupid!" Hijikawa waked off.

I was in shock, I didn't think that what I did wrong was that bad for getting slapped.

"____?" Said Soji form above.

I turn my head slowly facing them with half my face, a tear drops from my eye.

Harada, Ibiki, and Soji's words hitch in them seeing my tear drop from my eye.

It hurt their hearts. Knowing that Hijikata would go so far as to slap a already injured me.

Soji knelt down pulling my hand up standing me up. He dusted off my back.

Harada came, and gave me a hug.

He let go with a smile. Trying to cheer me up. I knew I was a little stupid, I wasn't even that far, I had no idea I could get hurt so close.

Ibiki came over patting my head. " Come on I will help clean your wounds."

He grabbed my hand gentle pulling me, as Souji, and Harada smiled at me.

"Sano why would Hijikata slap her?" Asked Souji.

"Maybe he was teaching her a lesson, or he was worried... who knows."

"Mmmh?" Asked Souji.

Of course he got no answer so Souji waked off sighing.

Different Times Saito X Reader X Hijikata X Souji X ShinsengumiWhere stories live. Discover now