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As we enter the forest trail I start gawking at the surroundings.

It's soo beautiful. However, I have missed to realize the two ahead of me have stopped walking, and are now turn to me with big question.

I keep walking until I feel myself bump into a huge wall.


I look up to see Harada smile at me.

"Ahh!!" I jump back bowing my head.


The two laugh.

"Too cute." They say in unison.

"Um......." I can't reply because if I do I think il just drop dead of embarrassment.

Harada snorts.

"Let's go then."

"Okay!" I say.

I follow them.

We enter the village.

My eyes widen as we walk around. Only thing is I keep getting stares by some of the towns people.

"Mhmm........" I whisper to myself in discomfort.

Trying to ignore there stares. Which is very hard when I can feel them burn a hole through me with their eyes.

The two guys notice.

They look at each other smile then look at me.

"Don't worry they just think your cute. Right Heisuke!?"

Heisuke's eyes widen. " Oh, yes yes! Very cute."

"( What the heck do these two think that will help my problem.") I tell myself.

"Mhff." I speed walk away.

"Gah' Heisuke look what you did man!" Harada smacked Heisuke on the back.

"What! Wasn't me you made me agree!."

The two try, and catch up with me.

Loosing them by accident. It's actually funny loosing two guys who are trained warriors. Can't keep up with a girl.

I wander the streets trying to find my wait out of the endless maze.

Even the walk ways are empty I'm the only one hear.

"(..... Okay maybe that was a bad idea...") I whisper to myself.

I keep walking.


"This is impossible.." I sigh.

That's when I see two men show up I front of me with swords pointing at me.


"Ooh, look at this girl. She looks different, very pretty unlike many of the other hear."

The men speak loud in Japanese.

Me understanding a very good amount of their speech I try backing up slowly.

"Aw, what is it girl?"

"What is it?.. You two. Don't mess with me." I say back in a brain messing tone.

"( Heh, I bet these two men's brains are in confusion, it's not everyday a girl talks back to them.") I whisper to myself.

Seems to me they heard what I said.

"Ehh? What was that girl, I don't understand what you just said now." They approach closer.

I pull my sword out.

I hold it up. It shines like the moon. Sharp, and cleaned. Heisuke must of cleaned it for me.

"You two." I speak in Japanese.

They approach even closer, as I hold out my sword. They smirk.

" Oh, she has a sword, how scary.."

"( You guys are horrible truly!") I shout at them in english.

There eyes widen. "What?!"

" What did she say?!!" They look at each other.

" She speaks a forigne language, ohh the price for catching a girl like her!"

They charge at me.

I stand my ground as I grit my teeth.

"( I better make this count!")

I swing my sword to block their attacks.


I hold my sword out as a wall.

They smirk.


"Die!" They yell.

"I refuse!" I shout at them.

Pushing them back.

"Hahahhaahaha die die die!"

They charge again.

* Cling.
Swoop cling*

I sweep my sword left , and right blocking their attacks.

Making use my feet move out of the way.


A loud clash of our swords ring threw the sky.

Then forgetting my one leg is out farther then the other. One of the, swings at my leg , and the other to my face.

Only able to block one. I block the one at my face with all my force.

* Swoop sip*

My eyes widen as I feel the sword cut into my leg.

Holding back a cry of pain. I kick the man causing him to fall back.

Now the one at my face is putting soo much force down on my arms, it's causing me to kneel down giving it all I got to hold him back.

* Drip

Blood drips off my leg.

"HEHEHEHEH!" The man laughs.

"___!!!" I hear shouts from behind me coming out of a ally walk way.

"G g." I say trying to hold the man off.

I hear foot steps running towards me.

* Cling!

A spear forces the man away from me.

Not being able to hold my ground anymore I start falling back. I drop my sword away from me.

"__!!!" I hear Heisuke shout.

Fast foot steps get closer rapidly to me.

Harada who is now holding off the two men. His back facing towards me blocking any attacks that are men to get to me.

Just as I'm about to hit the ground. Two arms grab me from behind. Holding me up.

" __! Are you okay?!" Heisuke asks in a panicked voice.

His heavy breathing is pulsing through his body.

I breath heavy.

" I-I'm okay Heisuke."

I say. Then flinching at my leg that is still bleeding.

" __! Your hurt."

Heisuke still holding my tired body from behind. Stares at my bleeding leg.

"( It's not bad..") I tell him.

He shakes his head.

" Sorry, for loosing you."

I wince.

"Tt.. Gah.."

"Hold on!" Heisuke tells me.

"How dare you attack her!!" Harada yells.

Twirling his spear in his hand.

"That girl is soo pretty it's criminal to fight with a sword!!! HEHEHEHAHAHA!" The man laughs.

" Ch, disgusting men like you."

Harada points his spear at them.

" Leave now! I will spare your life if you do!"

The men gulp, and flee for their lives.

Harada sighs.

Turns around, and runs to me, and Heisuke.

I kneels down in front of me with sympathy in his eyes.

" Are you okay?" Harada asks looking at my leg.

"I-I'm fine.... Gah.." I lean back.

The two gasp.

"Hold on, your not okay." Says Harada.

"We will help you." He says with a smile.

I start speaking in a shaky voice due to blood loss.

" I--..I." Harada looks at me with sadness in his eyes.


His eye widen at my word.

"( All.... I... want... Is dango..") force out of my words in english.

Harada pats my head.

"You will get dango, I promise." He smiles at me.

My vision starts to blur as I smile at him Heisuke who is practically hugging me from behind.

" Heisuke, don't worry I am fine.." His grips tightens.

"Idiot.... your not fine.. we were worried.."

"( Don't leave us next time.") He speaks in a calm tone.

"I promise." I smile.

Then my body gives out as I collapse.

The two gasp.


"She is fine, she just needs rest. She fought well holding them off. Heisuke can you bring her back? I'm gonna go find some dango."

"Yes," He nods as he lifts up my body.

Harada picks up my sword, and slides it into my sheeth.

" Okay go!, and hurry!"

" Right." They both part running.

Different Times Saito X Reader X Hijikata X Souji X ShinsengumiWhere stories live. Discover now