We enter the house and see the party has already begun. Michael and Calum went crazy with the guest list, there has to be at least 60 people here. The music is blasting, I won’t be surprised if the boys get a noise complaint, and the kitchen counter is littered with beer cans, vodka handles, shot glasses and red cups. I see Luke laughing with Calum by the sink. I run behind him and tap his shoulder. Luke turns around and his eyes light up the moment he sees me.

“Tay! You’re here! You’re like 20 minutes late but you’re here!” Luke giggles, obviously already feeling the effects of the alcohol.

“Yes, I’m here, hello” I reply, my voice muffled against Luke’s chest as he pulls me into a tight hug.

Calum hands me a shot glass, then pours one for him and Luke. We clink the tiny glasses and I tilt my head back, swallowing the bitter liquid. Calum quickly refills my glass and I take another shot solo, Luke and Calum cheering as I do so.

“LETS GET FUCKED UP!” Calum yells and the entire party cheers in agreement.

Luke grabs my hand and tugs me toward the stairs. He pulls his bedroom door open and we enter the surprisingly empty room. He lies down on the floor and reaches under his bed, pulling out the two bottles of champagne and two red cups. He sits up, setting the bottles and cups in front of him and motions for me to sit next to him.

“I was saving the bottles for just the 6 of us, but I thought you and I could have a bottle to ourselves” Luke says as he pours the champagne into the 2 red cups. I take a cup from him and sip the sweet, bubbly content, smiling as it tickles my throat. Luke and I end up finishing the whole bottle in about 10 minutes.

“We finished that so quickly” I giggle. I’m starting to get tipsy; I can feel it

“I’m so drunk” Luke laughs, his hands roaming up and down my legs. Luke leans in but I grab the other champagne bottle and bring it to my lips, causing him to kiss the bottle instead of me.

“Heeeeey” he whines, and a pout forming on his face. I giggle and bring the champagne bottle to my lips, taking a long sip. “That was supposed to be for everyone!”

“Oops” I take another long sip, only to be interrupted by Luke snatching the bottle from me and taking a sip of his own. I grab the bottle back and split what’s left into the red cups and hand Luke one of them.

“Cheers to you and your big break” I smile, raising my cup up

“Cheers to being in love with the most beautiful girl in the entire world” Luke replies, raising his cup and clinking it with mine. We both drink from our cups, our eyes glued to each other. When we finish I lean over and kiss him, his hands cupping my face and mine keeping me supported by Luke’s sides.

“We drank two bottles of champagne” I whisper against Luke’s lips, a small laugh escaping from my mouth.

“I want a beer” Luke laughs, bringing us both to our feet. We run down the stairs to the kitchen, where Luke grabs two cans of beers and hands me one. Over and Over by Smallpools starts playing and I squeal.

Destined || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now