But He's Just One

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**Bianca Pov**

Nico was sitting next to me on the edge of the ship, explaining about returning from the Underworld and everything that happened. He told me about him kissing Jason and his feelings about it. Then when he finished he stared at me and asked "Bianca, what's wrong with me?"

I stared at him. "Nothing is wrong with you!" I said. "You are fine just the way you are!"

He looked down. "You're lying," he whispered, "your my sister I know when you're lying. You're not okay with this at all."

I shifted uncomfortably. I looked away before I said, "oh Nico, I thought it was okay. I really did. Then...then I saw him kissing you. I felt so uncomfortable. It's not just because you like guys Nico...it's more the fact that you're my little brother and I don't want you to kiss anyone."

"Oh Bianca," he said, "I'm fourteen, I'm old enough to kiss someone if I want."

"I know,"'I whispered, "it just, your are my little brother and I don't want you to get hurt." I stopped for a moment before I added, "I'm a little jealous Nico."

"Jealous? You?"

I felt my cheeks burning, "I joined the Hunters of Artemis. I swore to never fall in love and to stay a maiden forever. To see you kiss someone before me..." I shuddered.

Nico wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Sorry Bianca. I'm sorry I outlived you." He sounded like he meant it.

"It wasn't your fault. It was destiny. We didn't really have a choice."

We sat there for a long time until we heard footsteps and another person sat besides us. I looked over and saw Hazel sitting next to Nico.

"You must be Bianca," she whispered, "I've heard so much about you. I'm Hazel. Your half sister."

She held her hand out for me and I took it. "I've heard about you Hazel. You're the one who helps Nico out when I can't."

She let go of my hand, "someone's gotta." She said. She laid down flat on her back and looked up at the stars. "Look at how pretty they are."

Nico laid down and so did I. We stared up at the glistening stars in the sky. The bright lights stared back at us.

"Remember when we were at the school Nico? We used to sneak away and look at the sky,"

"Yeah I remember," he said. "That was so long ago huh?"

"Yeah it was, what about you Hazel? Did you ever do this?"

"Sometimes when I was a kid," she said. "It sure is peaceful."

For a moment we were all quiet, but it wasn't an awkward silence. Suddenly, a star raced through the sky and then another. In front of our eyes, thousands of stars started to run through the sky, rushing into an oblivion. I looked over and saw how Nico smiled and how hazels eyes widened at the sight. I reached over and held Nico's hand like we used to when we were kids. He reached out and grabbed Hazel's hand and the three of us, the three children of Death, watched the stars fall to the earth


We all fell asleep. Slowly, one by one, we drifted off by the ledge of the ship. I was the last one to sleep, fearing that when I woke up, I'd be back in the Underworld. But when a sleeping Nico latched onto my arm, it was hard to believe I was going anywhere. So I shut my eyes.

I dreamt of the night before I left for the stupid quest. It was the one night I had to bid my farewells. So I was tucking Nico into his bed in Hermes cabin.

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