Close Your Eyes

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*** Nico's POV***
The words of Bianca's final lullaby filled my head, forcing my head back to the time when she was still with me. Before I was alone, left to fend for myself. Bianca had been the only family I had, and it was Percy Jackson's fault she was gone.

He had promised to protect her. He promised that he'd keep her safe. What a liar. Even as time passes, there will always be that wound because of him. It will never heal...and the pain only becomes worse and worse.

I curled up in a ball, covering my head with my blanket, hoping it would drown out my first sob. Before I knew it, I felt hot tears streaming from my eyes and my body shook uncontrollably. I tried my hardest to hold back my sobs but they just escape my throat. I hate crying. I'm the son if Hades, I shouldn't cry. But there I was loathing myself for being so weak.

"Nico?" A soft voice whispered

I quickly wiped my eyes and peeked out from under my blanket. Hazel stood in front of me, looking frightened.

"What?" I whispered, trying not to sound harsh. I could never be harsh to Hazel, she was my other sister.

She stood silently, her brown eyes glistening and her curly hair falling in her face. "We're you dreaming about it again? Being in Tartarus?"

I shook my head. "No Hazel," I murmured, "I-I haven't even gotten to sleep."

She looked back, checking if anyone else aboard the ship was near enough to hear us. "You're scared to sleep aren't you? Scared of dreaming..."

I looked away, feeling the tears starting g to return. I couldn't opened my mouth to answer her, if I had I would've started crying on the spot.

She slowly walked up to me, reaching out. She wrapped her arms around me, holding my tightly. The way Bianca used to. Sometimes Hazel reminded me of Bianca. Bianca and her shared the same kindness, the same beauty on the inside. Both are amazing people, but Hazel wasn't Bianca

I pushed her away, my body trembling. "You should probably go..." I said

She looked upset but didn't object. I know she hates when I push her away but I'm not ready to be so close to her. What's the point of loving someone if there's the chance you might lose them? But I guess most people would say why not love them if there's a chance you might lose them?

Usually those people are mortals. Pfft. I'm a demigod...losing someone, it's more possible than not.

Hazel left, slowly closing the door behind her and the darkness began to hold me once more. When I was a kid, I used to be afraid of the dark...we'll more of being alone in the dark. When I would get scared Bianca would come and hold me until I safely drifted to sleep. But there was no one to hold me anymore.

I dreamt of Bianca, dressed like she used to, wearing her green hat over her long black hair. Her dark eyes glistened when she saw me. She flashed me her warm familiar smile and reached out for me. But she couldn't reach me and as I try to step forward, I felt my feet are stuck in the earth. Her smile disappears and she called out my name 'Nico!' I tried to reach her, I struggled against the earth but it only pulled me down further. She looked like she wants to reach me, like she was trying with all her will but something was holding her back. Her eyes glistened with silver tears. The last thing I saw was the tears dripping from her face before I was pulled under. My breath was running out and my heart was racing. Bianca was my last thought before I died.

My heart was racing as fast as it was in my dream. I gasped for breath and when I caught it, I looked around. My head ached as I looked over at the clock on the side table. Its arms point to twelve exactly. I hadn't been asleep twenty minutes before I was haunted by another nightmare. Dreaming would be the death of me before any monster got close enough.

I couldn't stop the tears and I buried my face in my hands. I was able to keep the bawling silent but it didn't matter. Even if anyone on the Argo II didn't know I was crying... I knew and that killed me.

Soldatino ** A Nico di Angelo Fanfic**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora