Seams Undone

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**Nico Pov**

Once I realize my door was kicked in, it only took me a second to remember Jason had been trying to talk to me.

Piper's knife was still in grasp, my fingers clutching tightly to the hilt so it was impossible to pry away. For a moment, I wondered if I has really been dead because I didn't feel like it. In fact I felt more alive than ever.

I sat up, starting to run my neck before realizing it was black with blood. My head was pounding and much stomach lurched. I leaned over and threw up. The vile taste filled my mouth after, and I wiped the mouth on my shirt.

"Nico! Hey," Jason said patting my back.

I hadn't even noticed him, sitting right next to me. His palms were both covered in blood and he had one of his hands holding me up by my back and his other over my racing heart. I wanted to shove him away, but I could barely raise my arm. It was still bleeding out, although not as intensely.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I-I-" I couldn't find any words, I didn't know what to say. I was alive, and now I had to answer questions from Jason..whoop-de-doo.

"Your heart stopped Nico," Jason said. "You were dead for five minutes!"

"Five minutes." I repeated, "felt longer."

"Wh-what?" He asked.

"Why didn't you call for help?"

"I-I-" he stammered for about a minute before he said, "I sort if jumped into action without really thinking."

He wrapped his fingers around my waist, putting pressure on the bleeding wound. I flinched at the pain, feeling nauseous once more. "How badly does that hurt?"

"It's bearable." I said faintly.

Jason wrapped his arm under my legs and lifted me.

"What are you doing." I asked, shocked.

"I'm gonna bandage your arm and your gonna tell me all about what happened. Okay?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever."


After he wrapped my arm up, and after I told him my story, he dragged me back to my room and freaking tucked me into bed.

"Jason!" I cried. "Are you kidding me? I'm fine."

"No, you are going to stay in bed," he said, "you are gonna stay here until you are all better."

He was holding out a cup for me and I reached out and took it from him. "Nectar?" I asked looking at the golden colored drink. He nodded. "Nectar." He confirmed.

I gulped down the small amount of nectar and felt my arm burning. "Ah!" I whimpered.

Jason grabbed the cup from my hand and he asked. "You okay?"

"Stop asking." I hissed, "I'm fine."


He looked away, towards the doorway.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, adjusting my pillow.

"Either dead or asleep..." Jason said.

"That's comforting," I said. "What about Piper?"

He shrugged. "Off doing whatever Piper does."

I felt groggy as I looked up at Jason. He was sort of handsome from the side. He had short cropped blonde hair and loving blue eyes. He had a scar on his upper-lip that moved when he smiled.

"What did the nectar taste like to you?" Jason asked.

I looked shyly down. "It's sorta dumb but, it tastes like a chocolate milkshake, you know like the kind you get at any fast food restaurant." I mumbled.

"Why is that dumb?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"It's just---to a lot of people, nectar or ambrosia taste likes home made sweets but...I never really had a home or anything..."

"So what? You just lived off fast food?"

I nodded "pretty much, unless it was at one of the camps or something."

I felt like I was just rambling, I knew Jason probably didn't care but I was so drowsy that I didn't care.

"That sucks." He said softly. "Never really having a home.

"Yeah," I said. "It sucks but, you know, Son of Hades, not really well liked."

"I like you," Jason said, "you're not a bad guy Nico,"

"You don't mean that." I said pulling my arm up closer to my body. "I'm the son of death...I'm the cause of pain and misery."

"No you're not," he responded. "You think that, that's why you're so unsure of yourself. So sure that people hate you...cause you hate yourself and you too afraid to think anyone could love you."

I shook my head. "I'm just a coward," I said, "everyone kept telling me and I believed them."

Jason bit his lip, "Coward? You? You stood up to Cupid. You fell into Tartarus and didn't go insane. Nico you are the bravest person on this ship, don't listen to people if they call you coward...they're wrong. One hundred percent wrong."

He was smiling and I don't know what came over me. I grabbed Jason by his shirt and pulled him forward. For a moment I was bewildered, then it dawned on me...I was kissing Jason.

Soldatino ** A Nico di Angelo Fanfic**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora