More Terrible Monsters Than Sleep

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***Bianca POV***

Nico's eyes fluttered, a sign he was dreaming. But he whimpered weakly, the corner of his lip twitching. I understood why he was so scared of sleep. My brave Nico had been in Tartarus, a place not even the gods dared to go, and he dreams about it. He dreamt about the horrors he'd seen, the monsters he had fought but just kept coming back. Nico had seen things that I demigod could ever imagine in their vividest nightmare.

I stroke his hair, or I tried. I often forget that's I'm dead; I cannot hold my brother as I once had.

He was growing up so fast. I'd watch him transition from the sweetest thing to the exiled one. A dork turned into dark. Happiness killed. Joy sucked away a. Just anger and hatred and grudges. The fatal flaw to a child of Hades. Nico knew that, he knew the dangers and I watched him try to take my advice and not hold them. But you could still see the struggle in his eyes. You could see the frustration when he clutched his fist at his side or when he'd place his hand on the hilt of his sword, which was as dark as night.

He clutched his blanket in his fist and squeezed his eyelids closer together. "Bianca." He whispered.

"I'm right here little brother," I say laying at the foot of his bed, "I'll always be here."


The morning sun turned the sky a bright orange color, making the clouds look like they were outlined in gold. I rose in The early morning, glad that in death I needn't worry about dreaming. But Nico woke with a startle. His eyes were and red, he gritted his teeth, and his hands both clutched his blanket, like it was the only thing that was real to him. He panted for his breath, his chest quickly rising up and down.

He kicked off his blanket and stood. Nico had fallen asleep in all his clothes, including his black sneakers. He yawned and then I yawned even though I wasn't tired. He slowly walked forward to the door and then stopped. He turned on his heel, doing a 180 turn, and stared right at me. For one hopeful moment, I thought he could see me. I thought he was going to reach out and hold my hand. But he just stared past me, his eyes blank.

"Comb your hair," I scolded, giving a small smile. Had he heard me, he would've chuckled as well. He had always hated how bossy I could be. He despised when I would run a brush in his hair and the brush would get caught in tangles. He always had such long hair.


"Ow Bianca!" Nico complained.

"Oh come on, it couldn't have hurt that bad." I laughed.

"Yes it did," he said indignantly.

"Then brush it yourself." I said handing the brush to him.

He mumbled something under his breath and handed it back to me. He looked upset but he smiled and broke down laughing within a second. His laugh was the most joyful thing. It was one of those laughs that scared away any darkness and only brought light. He hadn't laughed like that in years.

"Stay still," I mumbled, turning my attention to the back to his head. I brought the comb down, untangling the knots in his hair. He whimpered but I knew he didn't dare say anything about hoes much it hurt.

Finally I finish and started pulling the comb through my hair. Nico squinted his eyes like he was trying to think. "Bianca how long have we been here?" He asked.

"Only a few days Nico. Ever since that man brought us here."

"Then how come it feels longer?"

I set down the brush. "Enough questions." I said, sounding a little frustrated. "We're here now, and we'll stay here until that man tells us we can."

My eyes looked dark as I glared at Nico. "Okay." He whispered, backing away from me.

That look faded and I quickly hugged him. "It's okay Nico, I'm sorry." I said softly.

"I know. I'll be okay as long as your with me."


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