The Darkness Is High

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***Nico's POV***

The night fell, we had barely gotten any closer to where we needed to be. Everyone retired for the night, leaving me alone on deck to stand guard. I laid down on the deck and looked up at the sky, the stars looking brightest than ever. Bianca and I used to do this when we were kids. Our mom would take us out just to the park and we would stare up at the sky. It was one of those vague memories little kids have, but it was one of the only ones I ever really liked to think about. I genuinely think that my past should just stay there but...but the is so much that I wish I could changed. But that didn't matter.

As I lay here, I the peace and quiet of the world, I could almost feel Bianca and Mom laying right besides me saying "ohh" and "aw." I weakly chuckled. That was a sort of sad-happy. I wasn't sure if I was going to cry or laugh like a psychotic maniac. Either would be really awkward if someone walk above deck.

I sit up, frustrated that I had let my mind go back to the past. I drew my Stygian Iron sword and slashed the air. This sword could destroy absolutely anything...immortal or mortal. Monsters, your enemies, it doesn't matter.

I shivered as I stared at my reflection in the blade. I hate the way i looked. I might as well be dead. I had long dark hair that fell over my pale skin and nearly covered my dark shadowed eyes. My appearance had greatly changed since Bianca had died. Before, my skin had been a dark olive color, I had been a little Mythomagic geek, and I had been a lot happier. But that wasn't me anymore, but I wished it was.

Because of what I looked like, I had been outcasted by everyone. I didn't buy that 'Son of Hades' bullshit either. I knew Hades wasn't the most lovable god and he didn't have a spot on Olympus but that wasn't an excuse for them to treat me the way that they do. People see me and either freak out, act like I'm invisible, or are unnecessarily harsh and bitter. They don't give me the slightest chance.

Luckily I've grown to not care. What's the point of trying to impress those who don't give a damn?

But suddenly, I cared. Not about how people thought of me, pfft, as if. I cared about how I might mess up Hazel's reputation. She had a better reputation as the daughter of Pluto. It was hard not to love her. She was kind and smart and beautiful, she'd be perfectly fine if I wasn't around. She stuck around me just because we were related.

She could be happier without you, a voice in my head whispered, she can be normal as long as you're out of the way.

It was a woman's voice in my head. A strong female voice that was clouding my judgement. Without thinking, I stood and walked over to the railing of the Argo II.
I put my hands over the railing and climbed over. I stood there, hundreds of feet above the ground the winds blowing my hair in front of my eyes.

Jump, the voice said. It was a woman's voices. You know it's what's right, why help them when they're leading you to the one who broke your little heart. Jump Nico di Angelo and join you mother and sister in the Underworld. You could be could be with Bianca.

At my sisters name, I gasped. I couldn't help one ever brings up Bianca around me. They treated me like a bomb about to go off.

I stared at the ground above me then looked back up to the sky. "Bianca... I'm scared." I whispered. Tears formed in the corner of my eyes as I let go of the railing and took a step forward.

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