Valentine's Day Massacre

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"Just a heads up, Nelson is a bore compared to your husband." I told Meredith when I found her at the nurse's station. 

"What?" She frowned.

"Nelson." I sighed. "I ended up getting stuck in surgery with him instead of Derek. I mean, don't get me wrong, Nelson's a great surgeon, but he really doesn't know how to hold an interesting conversation. I swear, I almost fell asleep in the OR."

"You win." Alex said as he joined us, handing a fifty dollar bill to Meredith. "He's been staring at her from his kitchen for fifteen years. He's not gonna tell her now."

"He just did." Meredith smiled. "She was awake the whole time. She heard everything. She has to say something."

"Well, she's not. He- Her husband's in surgery." Alex shook his head.

"So? They're clearly miserable." Meredith insisted as I looked between my two friends. "I mean, did you hear the whole creme brûlée thing? Fifty bucks says she tells him she loves him, too."

"You're on." Alex agreed, taking his money back.

"I'm so lost right now." I shook my head.

"Lovesick patients." Alex shrugged, as if those two words explained everything.

"Hi." Kepner smiled as she joined us, focusing her attention on Meredith. "I've got your keys."

"What?" Meredith asked.

"Dr. Shepherd told me you might not make it home before the breakfast, so I should just ask you what you need from your closet, and I'll go grab it for you." Kepner explained.

"You are not going in my closet." Meredith shook her head.

"Yeah," I nodded in agreement. "My son's sleeping in that house. I don't feel comfortable with some stranger trekking in."

"Aren't you supposed to be a surgeon?" Meredith pointed out. 

"He really needs you by his side at that breakfast." Kepner insisted, seeming to ignore me entirely.

"I am a surgeon." Meredith reminded her. "You tell the Chief that I will be in surgery."

"Uh, so- so I'll just pick something out for you." Kepner called after Meredith as the dirty blonde walked away.

"Go in the house and I'll cut you." I threatened.


"Hey," I cleared my throat as I joined Avery in one of the trauma rooms, finding him working on a severed arm that belonged to Hunt's patient. At my voice he looked up from his work, seeming surprised to see me there. "Hunt told me to help."

"Okay," he nodded as I pulled on some gloves and took a seat opposite him, the arm in between us. I quickly got to work on helping clean up the arm, prepare it so it could be reattached. After awhile though, he spoke up. "So... Yang's with Hunt, Grey's with Shepherd, Torres is with Robbins, and you were with Sloan until he dumped you? It's a wonder you guys got any work done."

"He didn't dump me." I corrected him, my jaw locked. "He forgot about me. He decided that we were going to start a family and didn't ask me. He forgot I was even there. That my son was there."

"You have a son?" He glanced up at me, surprised.

"Yeah." I sighed. 

"I'm pretty." He said randomly, making me look up at him with furrowed brows. 

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