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She's gone.

It doesn't feel real. I can only keep imagining myself with her.


"Lon! Honey!"

I hear giggles.

"Don't tell me you ate all the cookies?!"

More laughs and I see her in the kitchen, chocolate on her face and the only mistake I've made.

Is loving her more than ever.


She's gone.

The only person who showed me kindness. I can't believe that she's gone. She was nice to me. 

Why do the nice people have to die?


At least it wasn't me that killed her, because it almost was.



We used to be happy. We used to have love. We used to be together. 

She used to be alive.


The girl that I helped keep safe. The girl that I never said was like my daughter. The girl that was supposed to be my daughter in law. The girl that I just want to hold one last time.

If you want happy endings, request them.

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