x| Guns, Lungs and Floods of Red {original}

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I turn and face a gun


"You shut up right now!" 

Brandon basically yells into my face, but there's some extra room where the gun is.

I sit back lazily, "Oh come on already!" I basically groan. "Just shoot me already!"

Blake keeps looking between us, "Brandon if you do this, you're gonna loose me and everyone else. You're gonna loose London..."

Brandon keeps the gun steady and I lean back in my chair.

Brandon lowers the gun while cursing, but when Blake releases a breath, he lifts it back up to shoot, and as he does Blake tackles him to the ground.

The trigger goes off and I gasp.

The bullet lands in the arm rest.

While Brandon and Blake are fighting, I roll out the door and start to make my way to the alley.

When I am about to turn the corner to the side street, a hand clamps down onto my chair and spins it around.

I am about to say something, but they kick the chair out from underneath me and I fall, as I try to crawly away, boots step on my hands and I cry out and fists start to rain down on me. 

My face, my stomach my arms, even my legs and as I am about to pass out, it stops. I groan while pulling myself towards the wall and slouching against it. 

But I gasp when I feel a knife entering my chest.

But I gasp when I feel a knife entering my chest

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And the absence of it leaving my chest. 

I can't cry out and I turn my head to see Blake pausing at the entrance of the hallway, screaming, "NO!" I see Brandon behind him, in total shock and I turn to face my killer

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I can't cry out and I turn my head to see Blake pausing at the entrance of the hallway, screaming, "NO!" I see Brandon behind him, in total shock and I turn to face my killer. 

My father. 







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