Interrogation Part 2

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Author's note: Dudes I gotta say, I'm  a little worried about our boi Ash. I mean, we've seen how intense Serena can be when she goes all "Princess mode" and such...but when you pure rage into the mix...oh lord. Let's see how it goes shall we?

Oh yeah, and this chapter is going to be in third person this time around. Let me know if you like this format!

*Sorry for any grammatical errors that you might encounter.


As the couple made their way out onto the balcony, Ash couldn't help but feel a hint of regret for confronting Serena about this. However, he knew that given her position and current mood, she could end up doing something she might regret. So he knew he had to try calming her down.

Ash closed the door behind them and turned to Serena, who had planted herself on one of the chairs. She sat in what seemed like a defense position with her arms crossed and a look on her face that was a cross between angry and uncertain. She too was worried that she may have to put her country and people's safety before her relationship with Ash, something that she had never even considered to be a possibility.

Ash took a seat beside her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Serena, listen I know you're angry with Dawn for what she did. Believe me, I wanted to be too, but you know we should really talk to her first. This could just be a big misunderstanding." Ash said.

Serena shot up off the bench and scowled at Ash.

"Talk to her? TALK TO HER!? Why on earth would you want to talk to her!? Didn't you learn anything after what happened last time!?" Serena said angrily.

Ash took a deep breath and exhaled, he didn't want to try remain civil for as long as he possibly could manage.

"Sere, please. Remember what Director Nanu said. She could have been wire tapped or something like that." Ash said, trying to calm Serena down a notch.

"What, are you telling me that you actually buy that garbage?" Serena said.

"Yes I do! Or at least I think so..." Ash said hesitantly.

"You think so!? So now you expect me to rely on what Sir Flunksalot thinks?" Said Serena.

Ash's forehead twitched, there was no reason to make this personal. Ash stood up too.

"What is your problem Serena!? That was uncalled for and you know it! Here I am, trying to help you, but you just had to make it personal." Said Ash.

Serena took a step closer to Ash.

"Well I don't recall asking for your help! I finally have a chance to get justice on that traitor and you're trying to-" Serena was cut off.

"Justice!? Serena listen to yourself, you aren't after justice, you're after revenge! And I will not sit by and let the girl I love stoop so low!" Ash said.

"No I'm not!" Serena said defensively.

"Yes you are Serena, you're so blinded by anger that you can't even see it!" Ash said stepping closer to Serena.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Serena yelled.

"Yes I do, I have never seen you axt this way Serena, not once!" Ash said.

At this point, Ash and Serena were so close that their foreheads we're almost touching. They likely hadn't noticed it because of the heat of their argument, but they were suddenly interrupted by the feeling of their foreheads colliding.

"Wha...!?" Ash and Serena said in unison.

The two stood there silently for a moment, trying to comprehend how they ended up in the position they were in without noticing. Suddenly Ash started to snicker.

"H-hey what's so funny!?" Serena asked, flustered.

"S-sorry Sere, it's just...look at us, arguing until we headbutted each other." Ash said laughing.

"Ash, this is still a serious...m-matter.." Serena said as she too started to laugh.

The two continued to laugh together. It was almost as if all of their anger had vanished. After they finished, they sat back down on the bench, holding hands.

"Feel better?" Ash asked.

Serena nodded.

"Yeah...I really do. Thank you Ash, thank you so much. And...I'm sorry." Serena said.

"Nah, no worries, I'm just glad I got to see that beautiful smile of yours again." Ash said, scratching the back of his head.

Serena blushed.

"Oh Ashy..." Serena said, leaning in for a kiss.

Their lips met with a new kind of passion. They wanted to make sure the other knew how much they loved one another after they had fought.
Ash's eye's shot open as he felt Serena's tongue trying to enter his mouth, which he quickly obliged. The two Kalosian kissed for the very first time and didn't stop until their lungs were completely empty.

After what felt like hours, the two separated and addressed their air problem.

"Whoa....that was...incredible." Said Serena.

" sure was." Ash replied.

The two wrapped each other up in a loving hug.

"You know I didn't mean what I said, right?" Said Serena.

"I know Serena, just promise me you won't let yourself get that angry again." Ash replied.

"I promise Ash, I mean it." Serena said.

The couple broke their hug.

"So, are you ready to go back in?" Asked Ash.

Serena nodded.

"Yeah, let's go get some answers." Serena replied.

To be continued...


Author's note: My that certainly got heated didn't it. And on top of thay, Ash was actually acting like the grown up in the room. Real knock on wood, huh.

I'm really liking this third person style of writing style, but if y'all want me to switch back to the usual style then I will.

Oh, and the tongue kissing is as far as I'm going with Ash and Serena's relationship. I'm not turning this into a lemon. Not ever.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you next time for the final part of the interrogation arc!

Next time on Amour Academy...

Interrogation Part 3

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