Opening Ceremonies

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(Serena's pov)

Ash just stood there, his eyes wide and his mouth wide open.

'Way to go Serena, you've successfully blown your cover AND made things awkward.' I thought to myself.

I noticed Ash relax a little.

"U-um, please forgive me Y-your highness!" Ash said as he quickly bowed.

I sighed, but smiled. I really don't like to see people bow to me like that, but I know he's just being polite.

"Ash it's okay really, you have nothing to apologize for." I said.

"But, your highness, I shouldn't have been so informal!" Ash said.

"I'm telling you it's fine, really I hate being talked to this way." I said kind of lowly.

Ash tilted his head in confusion.

"Wait, you do? Why is that?" He asked.

I walked over and took a seat on my bed. Ash then did the same on his.

"I hate being seen as by others as just a princess, everywhere I go people always act the same way you just did. It's flattering, truly it is, and I'm proud that my people treat me with such great respect. But, sometimes it just gets over bearing." I said.

"Oooh, so that's why you were wearing that disquise. I get it now, that must be why you cut your hair too!" Ash said.

"Yep, that's right. I figured that it would be for the best." I said.

Ash nods.

"That makes sense, it sure fooled me there for a bit." He said scratching the back of his head.

I giggled.

"Well, I guess that means it worked huh. By the way, how did you recognize me?" I asked.

Ash paused for a second.

"This is gonna sound really cheesy, but it was actually your smile." He said.

"My smile?" I replied.

"Yeah, I recognized it from a photo I saw. When I say you laughing and smiling earlier, I knew you looked familiar, but when I saw your blue eyes, I knew it had to be you." Ash said smiling.

I felt my heart flutter a little bit and I turned my head to hide the small blush that had formed on my face.

"Oh no, I hope that didn't sound weird! I swear I'm not some creepy stalker!" Ash said worriedly.

"N-no you didn't say anything weird at all! It' was actually kind of sweet..." I said slowly turning back to face Ash.

I noticed a blush start to form on his face also. What is this feeling? I've never felt this way before.

"I-I'm gonna go take a shower." Ash said quickly.

"O-okay..." I replied.

(Ash's pov)

I shut the bathroom door and sighed.

'What was that feeling just now? Could it be that I...? I thought.

I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head.

'No it can't be that! After all I just met her, and besides she's royalty.' I thought.

I sighed again and hopped into the shower. After a few minutes I got out, changed into my pajamas.

"Phew, that hit the spo-" I started to say, but I noticed that Serena had fallen asleep.

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