A Royal Surprise

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This isn't real is it?

"Gary, is this a dream?" I asked.

Gary then rolled up the magazine that was on the table and whacked me in the back of the head.

"Holy crap, this IS real!" I said.

Gary looked at me with suspicion.

"There is no way you passed! Dude, be straight with me, did you cheat?" Gary said narrowing his eyes.

"N-no! I just did what you did!" I said in my defense.

"Mhm." He said.

"I'm serious!" I said.

All of a sudden I heard the front door shut.

"Ash, I'm home!" My mom said.

She had gone to the store.

"Oh hey Gary. What are you two doing?" She said.

"Hey Ms. K, Ashy-boy why don't you drop the news." Gary said.

"Hm, news? What news?" She asked.

She turned to me, and saw the letter I was holding, and once she saw the seal she dropped the bag of groceries she was carrying. I saw tears of joy well up in her eyes.

"I-is it true Ash, d-did you actually pass the exam?" Mom asked.

I nodded slowly. Then mom wrapped me up in the biggest bear hug of my life.

"Oh Ash I'm so proud of you!! I always knew you had it in you!" She said.

"Uhh yeah..." I said, laughing awkwardly.

I glance over at Gary, who looked as if he was about to burst out laughing.

So I glared at him and shook my head as if to say, "Don't even think about it."

Mom finally let me go and stopped crying.

"Let me see that for minute." She said as she jerked the test and envelope out of my hands.

Her face lit up as she read the results.

"So Ashy-boy, you are going to go right?" Gary asked.

I paused for a moment. I hadn't even considered that. I'm still in shock for crying out loud. Should I go? I mean sure it was a fluke, but I still managed to pass it somehow.

"Uuh, I don't really-" I started to say.

"Of course you're going!!" My mom said.

It just occurred to me that we never actually told her why we took this exam in first place. And I can't just tell her I guessed on all of the answers. I have to find some way out of this.

"A-are you sure it's okay? I mean, Kalos is whole other country and and I'm sure the costs of tuition and travel would be a bit to much to handle." I said, hoping that would change her mind.

"Ash, did you even read this pamphlet?" She said surprised.

"Uhhh.....no?" I said

"Here take a look." She said, handing me the pamphlet.

It had had pictures of the campus, the staff, and some alumni. Then I turned to the final page.

"HUUUUUH!?" I yelled.

"What does it say Ashy-boy?" Gary asked, looking over my shoulder at what I was reading.

"WHAT, IT'S ALL COVERED!?" Gary said.

How in the world could a school that fancy be free of charge!?

"So you see Ash, you have no reason not to go!" My mom said exitedly.

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