New Faces

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(Ash's pov)

After a very....interesting start to the morning, Serena and I had made our way to the dorm lounge and we were having breakfast. We had just missed Clemont and Sawyer, they were headed out the door when we got there. Serena and I were both eating a muffin. Her muffin was strawberry and mine was banana with chocolate chips.

We had been eating for a good five minutes now, but neither of us had said a word. Serena refused to make eye contact with me, which I thought to be very strange. I mean, yeah she over reacted a bit this morning. It was just chilli after all.


I went all day with chilli on my forehead of all places!? Even into the head mistress's office!?

Ah man, now I'm never going to hear the end of it! My thought was cut off when I saw Serena looking over at another girl who was sitting by herself. She had long dark blue hair and looked pretty lonely.

"Who's that Serena? I don't think I've ever seen her before." I said.

"Me neither, I think I'll invite her over. Would that be okay?" She replied.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be." I said.

Serena smiled and walked over to the girl.

"Hi there, my name's Serena! What's your name?" Serena said happily.

The girl turned to face Serena, and when she did her eyes lit up and her quietness instantly faded.

The girl quickly stood up.

"Omigosh omigosh omigosh!!! You're Princess Serena!? I'm Dawn, Dawn Berlitz, it's such an honor to meet you!" The girl said, her voice filled with exitement.

Serena giggled and smiled. While I on the other hand thought 'Great here ee go again.'

"It's nice to meet you too Dawn. We saw you sitting alone over here, so my friend and I were wondering if you wanted to come and eat with us. What do you say?" Serena said.

Dawn looked like she was about to faint, but she quickly regained at least some composure.

"Y-yes, I'd love to! Thank you so much!" Said Dawn.

After a few seconds of Dawn fan-girling over meeting Serena, the two girls made their way over to our table.

"Dawn, this is my friend Ash." Serena said.

"Nice to meet you Ash!" Dawn said happily while extending her hand.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too!" I said as I shook her hand.

For the next 15 minutes or so, the three of us chatted about ourselves.

Stuff like where we came from, what we were interested in, typical stuff.

Dawn was from the Sinnoh region, and she was in the same grade as us. She was the daughter of a very powerful business man and she said she had a brother that also went to school here, but didn't like him very much. We tried to ask her more, but she completely dodged the topic.

Another 5 minutes of small talk passed before we turned and looked up at the clock and noticed the time.

"Oh no, we should probably be heading out! We're going to be late if we wait any longer." Serena said.

"Geez, you're right. Hey Dawn, you wanna walk to school with us?" I asked.

Dawn smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, you bet! Let's get going!" Dawn said.

So we threw away our trash from breakfast and head on to school. Bianca was sweeping the walk way and she waved good morning to us. We returned the gesture. As we walked Serena and Dawn were walking a few feet ahead of me. I could tell that Serena was enjoying the opportunity to have some girl talk.

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