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(??? Pov)

"So, I trust things are going as planned?"

"Yes sir, thanks to Prince Calem we've established perhaps the best line of field communication that we could possibly ask for."

"Excellent, that's just what I wanted to hear. And what of the princess and that boy, how are they fairing? You did give them that tip on the girl, correct?"

"Yes sir, I did. They are currently pursuing Ms. Berlitz. Although they seem to have gotten a bit....distracted."

"I see, well just continue to monitor them and correct them if necessary. Also, if you happen to notice any suspicious activity, contact me immediately. Are we clear, Lillie?"

"Crystal, Director Nanu."

(Serena's pov)

I stared into the bathroom mirror.

It had been 15 minutes since Ash and I left the cafe to look for Dawn, and my heart was still beating as fast as it was when we drank that stupid soda. I can't believe I allowed myself to get distracted so easily, especially when the fate of the school is at stake!

I sighed.

Well, I guess I can't exactly blame myself. In that moment, everything seemed to stop and the only thing, or person rather, that was on my mind was Ash. I know it must sound painfully cliché, but I just can't describe it any other way. It felt just like that stormy night, the night when we almost...kissed.

I began to blush madly at the thought of that. I then smacked my hands on my cheeks. I took a deep breath and I adopted a serious and determined look.

'Geez, come on Serena, get it together! You've got an important job to do and you can't go getting yourself sidetracked again!' I thought to myself.

I then headed out back to Ash.

"Sorry about that." I said as I ran over to Ash.

He was sitting on a bench waiting for me.

"Hey it's no biggie. So are you ready to keep looking?" Ash said.

I nodded.

"Yeah, let's get moving." I replied.

On that note, Ash and I began to scout out the area. Knowing Dawn's shopping habits, she couldn't have gotten that far. At least I hope not.

20 minutes passed.

"Uggg, come on! Where the heck did she go?" Ash said, clearly frustrated.

"Calm down Ash, we've still got a lot of ground to cover and I know we can't be far behind her." I said.

Ash sighed.

"You're right Serena, sorry. I just really wish there was some way to cover more ground faster." Ash said.

He was right, we aren't making much progress at this point. I pondered for a moment. Then it hit me.

"Ash, I have an idea!" I said.

"Really, whatcha got?" He replied.

"Well, I say we split up. You can take the West wing and I can take the East. That way we'll have a better chance of catching her than we would just taking one route at a time." I said.

"That's a great idea Serena! Let's do that." Ash said.

"Alright, be sure to text me if you find her or anything else that might be helpful to us." I said.

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