Hol Up Hol Up Whoa Dere !

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Hey , Sorry I Havent Written But Something Happened Last Week ! Anyways Please Tell More Ppl About This Book ! Keep Fanning ! Read My Other Book Party Animals *Mindless Behavior Story* ! Im Gonna Start Recommending (S/P) Books Soon & Doing Shoutouts ! Kay Well This Chappie May Be Short Sorry ! But A Girl Got Thangs Ta Do !

Jaz POV (Later That Night (From Last Chappie)

Sooo me , Autumn , Roc , Zaib , Ray , Prince , and Talia are just sitting in the living room thinking about what just happened . 

Talia: Oooooo , you dont know how much I wanna punch that nigga in his face !

Roc: I think we all know how you feel . 

Ray: Yea , he had no right to put his hands on Lindsey no matter how mad he was . 

Autumn: I feel so bad for her ... bad for both of them actually .

Everyone Else: WHAT?!?!?!?

Talis: WHY would you feel bad for a woman abuser ?

Autumn: okay well imagine your first love saying that they were pregnant with your child , then you think that they were cheating on you but they were being forced eventually , and then you find out that the baby may not be yours , then you never talk to her again and find out that they were murdered . How would you feel ? I mean im not condoning him hitting her ! Because a boy should never put his hands on a girl , but he is hurting . And i feel bad for Lin , because she just made the love of HER life upset and he said he didnt like her in a very rude manner , then slaps her . *sighs*

Princeton: Damn , I never thought of it like that .

Zaib: Well , i agree with you Autumn (A/N- I Need Help , Whats A Good Nickname For Autumn ? I Been Tryna Think Of One For The Longest . Comment W. An Idea .)

Autumn: I know you do : )

Zaib: -__________- Shutup !

Autumn: Okay . 

Zaib: *gives her a "i wasnt expecting you to listen" look* Well anyways , Since Prod is in Nya's room and Lindsey locked herself in their bathrom , im gonna go talk to her .


Zaib: *Goes Upstairs To Lindseys Room And KNocks On Door* Lin , honey open the door please ....Lets talk .....*no answer* okay then i guess im gonna have to come in there ..... * no answer* * sees water leaking from underneath the door & opens it and sees..........*



Well ... I kinda feel bad for the little bitch . Prod didnt have to hit her ! But then again , i could care less . The more he makes it clear that he doesnt like her , the more she stays away , which means the easier it is to get my job done . I mean i can tell that the kid likes her , but hes hurting , and im the pefrect pain killer : ) . he already fell into my trap and im close to getting what i want ! i mean a woman has to support her kids right ? And this is the best way i know how ... or at least the way my "daddy" would prefer . i mean sure it ruins peoples lives but i could give less of a fuck ! i know what your thinking ... how old is this crazy bitch ? well thats for me to know and you to never find out !

Nya: Hey babe ?

Prod: *a little pissed off* Yea ?

Nya: You Okay ?

Prod: No .

Nya: I can make you feel better : ) !

Prod:*smirks* oh really ?

Nya: Yea ... *climbs on top of him*

Prod: *Grabs her butt * O.o


Zaib POV

*in Lindsey nd Prods bathroom* 

Zee: OH MY GOD ! * She sees the bathroom floor flooded with water and Prodigys belongings , then she sees an open window and Lindsey isnt in there but the bath and faucet are running .

EVERYONE BUT PROD AND NYA: *run in because they hear her yell*

Jaz: *looks around and sees the mess* What happened !?!?! Where Is Lindsey ??

Zaib: I dont know !



im so tired. DONE . i really love Prodigy , but when he said all of that to me i couldnt take it . and to top it off , he slapped me . HE SLAPPED ME ! I thought boys werent supposed to hit on girls . Right then , he reminded me of my father . he used to beat me and my mother , and so did my older brother . but unlike my weak mother , i left the first chance i could . And i never intended on going back . Who knows what happened to my parents . my dad is probably stung out on some drug in some strangers basement . But i dont like talking about my past . Now im in here messing with all of Prodigy's shit cause i could give less of a fuck at this point .

*she is smashing his stuff when she hears a noise and turns around and sees a masked man*

???: *pulls out gun* climb out the window bitch !

Lin: What ? Who the fuck are you ?


Lind: *does as he says and is greeted by two other masked men who put her in a car (BTW her window is above an alley of course : ) it couldnt be any other normal place) then the first man puts tape on her mouth and a bag over her face , and cuffs her .


?????: shut the fuck up ! *hits her over the head with a mystery object and she blacks out*

Done ! 

Short , I KNow . 

I Didnt Like This Chapter .... But Im Sure You May Know Who The Mystery Man Is Already , And How Old Is Nya ? You KNow SOmebody Said My Story Is So Crazy Tht They Asked If I Am On Medication ? Lmaooo ! NO . I Have A Wild Imaginatioon ! BTW Yall Didnt Have A Specifice Amount Of Votes For Last  Time So

15 Comments & 15 Votes

R . I . P T R A Y V O N M A R T I N

A Night With Mindless Behavior (Mindless Behavior Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon