Body Bags and Insane Assylums

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Helloooooo gonna write this SHORT....emphasis on the SHORT chapter today only becase a certain somebody wont leave me alone about writing and after this, im not writing till around feb 11th....or maybe ill write before that if i get comments on the f-ing book!!!!

Justins POV (remember him???)

I feel horrible.  I killed her.... I really did.  i aint want her to have my baby, but I didnt wanna kill her.  Shit, at least i know Prodigy is happy he dont gotta worry bout takin care of no kids and her ass.  But its been a couple of months and the cops still aint catch me so i could care less. Maybe i got away.

10 seconds later at Justins house


Cops: Open the fuck up!!!!

Justin: Ohh shit five-o!!! *runs to his window and sees about 10 cop cars outside.*

Cops: either you follow directions and open up this door or we just come in and get you, cuz there's no escape now!!!!!


i spoke too damn soon. how the fuck did they find me??what the hell!!

*cops come in and he tries to fight but he gets knocked out*

His flashback:

*right after he kills tati*

Justin: Bitch!!!! lok wha you made me do!! you shoulda juss kept yo mouth shut and did what you here for!!

Tati: *juss laying there lookin dead because she is*

Justin: *holds his head crying and pacing around the bed that her body is on*  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! what the fuck am i gonna do man!?!?!  I gotta hide this body somewhere. think think think.... where can i put it!! *punches wall then grabs the body, throws it in a bag and into the backseat of his car, then throws it in the hudson river and leaves before anyone can notice what he jusss did.*

Tati POV right after he killed her:

Tati: *asleep but then opens her eyes and sees complete darkness until a door opens and pours light into the room*

Tati: Whos there??? where am i??

?????: dont worry, you're safe now, no one can loger hurt you or your baby

*tati looks down and realizes that she is pregnant*

Tati: wait i thought i was dead?!?! what happened why am i back to my old self??? I look healthy again and i dont have any bruises.

???: Well thats because you're dead.  I just brought you here to rest before you meet the big man.

Tati: Wait what?? and why is my belly so big?? I wasnt before.

???: We are getting you ready for heaven girl, where its peaceful, and you wont have to worry about anything.  And you have no scars because you're healed, your in one of the many stops in the process of going to heaven.

Tati: Whoaa, so im rlly dead *tears up*

???: yes, but dont worry, we will take care of you, and that little bundle of joy you have inside of you when he or she is ready to come to heaven along with the rest of us.  

Tati: so justin killed me?? is he dead??? is he alive?? did the cops catch him?? do my friends know that im gone??

???: sorry, but all i can answer is that he did kill you. but i wouldnt worry about the rest if i were you....god has his ways of dealing with EVERYBODY... but dont let me talk you to up and when you are feeling better, we can go on to the big kingdom. 

Tati: Wait!!!

*door closes and voice is gone*

Tati: Helloo!!!!!!!

Justin POV

*wakes up in the back of a cop car handcuffed and the popo take him out and put him in a room*

Justin: WHat the fuck!!!!

Cop: we have some questions to ask you.


Cop: Whats your name?

Justin: Name

Cop: ohh we got a wise guy eh??

Justin: I mean i guess.

Cop: *slaps him*

Justin: BITCHH!!!

Cop: what your name boy!!!!

Justin: Rick

Cop: Where were you on (idk what date pretend like its the day they found the body)

Justin: home


sorry had to cut that short : )

anywayss read comment fan

and girls you know u betta watch out

cuz these guyysss

some guys are only about

that thing that thing that thiinnngg

lml thts the song thooo ^ 

anywaysss follow me on instagram j_luvsyou bishhh!!!!!!!

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