Chapter Twenty-Two

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I walked and walked and walked and skipped and walked and… Walked. For what seemed like ever. My mind went numb from all the Skrillex and Deadmau5 that I was blasting into my ears. My brain felt like it was buzzing, and I wasn’t sure if I was just walking in circles or walking at all after putting Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites on an endless loop for a half an hour. Dubstep does messed up things to yourself, man.

            After some careful examining, I realized I was definitely was nowhere near my neighborhood. Was I even in my town? I didn’t recognize anything around me. Not the buildings, not the people.

            “Excuse me, Miss,” I faintly heard as I was preparing to cross an intersection.

            I removed my earbuds and replied, “Yes?”

            A man that I presume could be in his college years smirked. “Are you… Feeling lucky?”

            Usually I would just walk away from con-men, but I hesitated. What did I have better going on in my life right now? “Sure.”

            “Keep your eyes on the joker.” He cooed, his eyes hidden by the black sunglasses he surely couldn’t see out of.

            He swished the three cards all around until coming to a stop. I pondered for but a moment, then placed my index finger on the chosen card.

            “Good guess,” The man smirked again, revealing the joker. “Care to double or nothing?”

            I smiled smugly. “No, thank you.”

            “Oh, but you could be on a winning streak. A girl your age knows a winning streak when she sees one, doesn’t she?”

            “Dude, you must be new at this. I won once. Aren’t you suppose to keep offering and letting me win before going double or nothing?”

            The man sighed and rested his head in his hands. “You’re right. I am new at this. Life is hard, you know? My life is so messed up right now, I’m dead broke, I found out my girlfriend is sleeping with my bestfriend…” He sighed again and shook his head.

            I sympathized for this wanna-be con-man. Poor guy is just trying to find a meaning to his life.

            Like me.

            Realization went through me like bricks. Would I end up like this man? Justin wasn’t going to hang around forever. He could literally have any girl he wanted. I’m even counting the butthurt anti-Justin fans, because we all know half of them are lying and the other half would throw their morals down the toilet for a spot on the red carpet. And I’m pretty sure a certain amount of homosexual and heterosexual males would accept a date from a superstar cutie like Justin Bieber.

            But then again, why would Justin cheat on me? He’s in love with me! And from what I’ve examined from the absolutely ridiculous couples at my school, love can make you do absolutely ridiculous things.

            “Okay, double or nothing.”

            The man picked up his head and looked at me. We stared into each other’s eyes, into each other’s souls. He smiled a sweet half-smile, almost flirtatiously, and set up the cards. I followed as the cards moved this way and that before choosing the left card.

            “Nice try, Hun.” The man smirked, collecting my money.

            I shrugged. “Money is the root of all evil, after all.” I wanted to walk away, but instead I just stood there. Cars drove by, through the intersection, and there I was, standing there, talking to some con-man. And there was the con-man, with his giant wooden crate and three cards. “My name is Marley.” I blankly stated.

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