Chapter Nine

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“Marley Catherine Taylor!” Maura cried as she slammed open my front door. I winced and cowered backwards into my kitchen trying to hide behind the counter. “You can’t hide from me!”

            She stomped over in her black, two-inch heels to where I was squatting. Her much put together outfit consisted of a peach eyelet top and denim shorts that went just above her knees, not to mention accessorized with a corresponding silver necklace and silver bangles. I looked like trash compared to her, what with my Abercrombie skinny-jeans and a loose blue tee. The tip of her right food tapped next to my left hand, her hands on her hips. I forced out an awkward laugh, my eyebrows scrunched together. “Heh, heh-heh, how ya doin’ Maura?”

            “You hung up on Justin Bieber. Hung up! On Justin Bieber!” She dramatically put her hand on her forehead and leaned back on my fridge, “How?! Why?! Oh, my life is over…”

            I sighed, hoping she wasn’t serious. Wait, make that praying. Of all the times for my mom to get groceries, it just had to be ten minutes ago! And, of course, Maura got the story out of me in record time. “You’re life? This didn’t happen to you, remember?”

            “We might as well be sharing a body, so… This did happen to me! You’ve ruined our lives!” I could hear the whimper in her cry.

            My Lord. “Okay, I’m sorry.”

            “Call him back. Now.” Maura commanded, shoving my house phone to my eyes.

            “No way in Hell.” I replied curtly, glaring at her perfectly heart-shaped, made-up face. Holding onto the countertop for support, I lifted myself up with a grunt. “I ended it with Justin. It. Is. Over.”

            “Bite your tongue!” Maura hissed, stomping her foot forward and putting her arms behind her, as if she were going to pounce at any given moment. “If can’t have him, then you have to have him! It will be the closet I’ve ever been to him! Didn’t you think about me at all?! I could’ve been in the tabloids! Imagine it: ‘Maura Montgomery, Justin’s Girlfriend Marley’s Best Friend, is seen at the Local SuperMart.’ I could’ve been famous!”

            I sneered. “You don’t think I could’ve become famous, too?! I’m the main picture! He flirted with me, not you! Don’t be so selfish!”

            “Me? I shouldn’t be selfish? Listen to yourself! Hypocrite!”

            “Get out! Get! Out! Now!” I screamed, stomping my right foot, only covered in a purple sock, and pointed at the door to my left.

            “I thought you’d never ask!” Maura screamed at an equal tone, storming off, making sure she slammed the door full-force.

            “Beotch…” I mumbled, kicking at the tiled floor, doing some yoga fire breaths I Googled after reading about it in the Pretty Little Liars series.

            What a jerk. What was the big deal anyways? So I broke up with Justin. Big-freaking-whoop. I’m sure Justin can find someone more pretty and rich, someone who can afford fancy clothes with French designers’ names on them that are custom fit so that they’re not so small that they make your stomach look colossus or so big that you look like you have no boobs. Whyw would he even like me anyways? Did he like me at all? So we talked on the phone. And kissed. And hugged. So what? I talk to people on the phone that I’ve kissed and/or hugged constantly. What makes him so special?

            The fact that he picked me over a billion other girls.

            I shook my head. I hated when my mind conflicted with its self. Like really, whose side are you on?

Upper Class Love (a Justin Bieber love story novella)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz