Chapter Twelve

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"Hey,” Justin greeted, taking a seat across from me at the small wooden table. He was wearing white skinny jeans, a light purple shirt, and black Nike’s.

            “Hey, you look really gay,” I blurted out, smacking my mouth after I realized what I said.

            Justin chuckled, running his hand through his hair. “Thanks, I guess.”

            “Heh, heh, yeah… Uh, so take a seat.”

            “I already did.” Justin raised his eyebrow in confusion.

            My face flustered as I forced out a laugh, scratching the back of my head. “Yeah, I guess you did…”

            “Marley?” He asked, looking straight into my ice blue eyes.

            “Yes?” My heart was beating a mile a minute, anticipating what he was going to say.

            “I just want you to know…” Justin swallowed hard. I leaned forward, eyes wide. He probably thought I looked like a freak, so I backed up again. Justin sighed and lowered his eyes, “My bodyguards are outside your door. I told them not to come, but they never listen. They wanted to take you outside and wand you before I walked in! I swear, being a celebrity sucks.”

            Oh… That’s what he wanted to say… I should’ve expected that. Besides, what did I think he was going to say? “Oh, Marley, I love you. Let’s get married! You’ll never be poor again!”

“That’s okay. And being a celebrity can’t be that bad, right? At least you have lots of money…” I mumbled the last part, hoping he didn’t hear me.

But, of course, he did. “What?”

“It’s nothing, really.”

The concern in his eyes grew. “No, seriously. What about money?”

“Hey you two love birds!” Maura interrupted. For once, I want to thank God for her interruption! “The lobster’s almost finished!”

Justin blushed and cleared his throat. “T-Thanks, Laura.”

Maura,” She corrected with a wink, clicking her heels away.

“My bad…” He mumbled, messing with his hands.

An awkward silence followed. Justin and I just sat at the table, me watching the candles burn, him not sure what to do with his hands. “This is awkward,” Justin finally admitted, not making eye contact with me.

I scowled. “Thanks, Captain Obvious.”

Justin let out a forced laugh, made a split second eye contact with me, but immediately lowered her eyes again.

“Do I have something on my face?” I growled. I put with so much crap to make me all “beautified” and he won’t even look at me! Selfish pig-jerk!

Justin’s head snapped up to my scowl. “What? No!”

“They why won’t you look at me?”

He didn’t say anything for a while, just stared at me. Finally, he shrugged and returned to his lowered glance.

“Marley!” Maura called from the kitchen. “I need to see you!”

“Why? Justin and I are having a fantastic time right here!” I smirked, burning a hole into Justin’s lowered head.

“Get over here!” She growled.

Not taking my eyes off Justin, I backed into the kitchen. Maura grabbed me, breaking my stare. “What is your problem?!” She whispered.

Upper Class Love (a Justin Bieber love story novella)Where stories live. Discover now