Chapter Three

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“Okay, let me see what you’re gonna wear!” Maura pronounced, clapping her hands together.

            I slowly opened my previously-white overnight bag that was covered in miscellaneous doodles from all of the times I’ve spent at Maura’s, and pulled out my taco shirt and ripped shorts.

            You could hear her jaw drop. “Marley! I will never, ever been seen in public with you in that out!

            I tried to stifle a laugh, but it came out loud and clear. “I have no respect for Justin Bieber and you know that!” I picked a piece of invisible lint off my shirt. “… And if he doesn’t like my taco shirt… Well frankly he can suck it!”

            Maura smirked. “But those jean shorts… They’re covered in… In what, blood?”

            I laughed. “Erm, no… It’s wood stain.”


            “Special paint for wood that stains clothes.” I tried to clarify. Swear to goodness, this girl over here doesn’t know the difference between varnish and nail polish!

            “Oh, okay… But why would you wear it?!” Maura grabbed onto my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. “Marley. We are going to go where no girl in our school—town—has gone before.”


            “We’re going to meet Justin Bieber. If you were going to meet the president, would you want to be seen in these,” Maura gestured to my outfit that lie on her bed, “rags?

            “I’m a republican.”

            Maura threw her hands in the air, plopped backwards on her bed, and sighed. “I give up.”

            I sat beside her and stroked her chestnut hair. “You do know I’m grateful for the tickets, right?”

            “Well, the way you’ve been acting, it seems as though they’re a burden…” Maura mumbled, twiddling her thumbs on top of her stomach.

            I playfully punched her arm. She yelped in pain. “Toughen up! And yeah, but you know I have a reputation to uphold!” I sat clear and tall, fists clenched and at my sides. “Don’t want anyone to think I’ve gone soft.” When I started throwing some punches in the air, Maura started to giggle.

            “I got you to smile! I’m off the hook!” I laughed, giving Maura a big hug.

            The rest of the night we stayed up until 4:00 AM talking about the school year (mostly about the hotties), summer plans, and most of all, the concert.



            “Punch buggy blue!” Maura squealed, pounding my arm with her fist.

            Wincing, I rubbed my arm. “Punch buggy blue!” I cried out in anger, slugging her harder.

            “Hey, I said no punch-backs!”


            “Girls!” Maura’s mom sternly commanded from the driver’s seat. “We’re almost there. Try not to kill each other, hm?”

            “Yes, Mom…” Maura mumbled, crossing her arms and slouching in her seat.

            At a stop light, I surveyed the land outside the car. There was a McDonalds, a gas station, a café with at least a hundred screaming girls outside of it… Wait, what?

            I rolled down my window and listened closely. Below the screaming, you could hear someone singing “One Less Lonely Girl.”

            “Is that Justin Bieber?” I whispered to myself, squinting to try and see if I was right.

            “JUSTIN BIEBER?! WHERE!” Maura screamed, shoving past me in the backseat and sticking her head out the window. “OHMIGOD! IT’S HIM! I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!”

            I went to Maura’s seat so I didn’t have to listen to more compliments and watch her blow kisses to him. Bleck.

            “Maura, sit down!” Her mom commanded from the front. The light turned green as Maura romantically sighed and slouched back in her seat, playing with her hair.

            Maura’s mom eased on the pedal and pushed the car forward, when we heard a thump and a scream.

Upper Class Love (a Justin Bieber love story novella)Where stories live. Discover now