Chapter Five

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Fixated on my need to use the restroom, I thought he was just another crew worker. “What the heck! Get out of my way, jerk!”

            Then I took a whiff of the guy’s colon. A tad drunk on the monster I drank earlier, I wrapped my arms around the toned man and dug my nose into his shoulder. “Mmm…You smell amazing!”

            He awkwardly laughed and whispered in my ear, “I knew Axe was a babe magnet.”

            My eyes shot open. That voice… It was… “Justin Bieber…”  I whispered. I quickly pushed him away, stumbling. As I backed away, my eyes like a deer’s, I fell on the hard floor. But just as my plush behind skimmed it, Justin Bieber grabbed onto my flailing arms and helped me up. “Thanks.” I murmured, brushing invisible dust off my stained shorts.

            “No prob,” He smiled that bleached smile and gestured to my taco shirt. “Cute shirt… Where’d you get it?”

            The words chocked in my mouth. My whole body surely glowed in sweat. “I-I made it myself.” Finally!

            Justin Bieber laughed. “Well, anyways, I’m Justin Bieber… I hope you know who I am, if you’re here…” He put his arm over his head and behind his back. Was that… blush on his cheek? Maybe it’s the makeup…

            Or maybe not.

            No, it has to be makeup. Why would Justin Bieber be flirting with me? I’m just Marley. There’s nothing special about me… I just have frizzy black hair that won’t straighten, foggy blue eyes, and a small, compact body. No guys ever come knocking down my door for a date.

            “… But, uh,” Justin Bieber interrupted my thoughts, clearing his throat, “you can call me Justin.”

            Did he do this with every girl he meets backstage? Well, I wouldn’t fall for his little act. “Alright, Justin, shouldn’t you be getting ready to sing for all your demented fan girls?” I sneered, putting my eyes in slits.

            The color from “Justin’s” face drained. “D-Demented?” He stuttered, trying to figure out what to do with his hands.

            “Why else would they listen to your voice?” I growled, balling my hands in fists.

            Now his face dropped, but then he became slit-eyed, too. “What, jealous you can’t have this?”

            I snorted out a laugh. “Oh yeah?” I gave him the biggest hug I’ve ever given someone, and then pecked him on the lips.

            He looked stunned, but didn’t pull back. We stood there, awkwardly, holding each other in our arms for a few seconds.  Justin leaned forward and kissed me, longer this time. When he pulled back, I just stared into his eyes for a moment. They were the deepest, brightest brown I’ve ever seen. I wonder if he takes some sort of chemical to make them look so… Stunning.

            I suddenly jerked back, releasing my grip from him. This was wrong. I can’t kiss
Justin Bieber
! Isn’t there some sort of law that says you can’t kiss a celebrity? “I should go…”

            “No! I mean, do you have to?” Justin’s eyes sparkled as he gave me the puppy-dog-look.

            I groaned and looked at the ceiling. “I can’t kiss you!”

            “Why not? In every other Wattpad book about me, someone kisses me.” A sly smile was forming on his face.


            “Nothing… Can I give you my number?” He asked, fishing through his pockets for what I assume was paper.

            Justin Bieber’s cell phone number?! Oh… my… God… Every girl in the world would kill for his number! Or to kiss him. Or to be in such a close proximity with him. “Sure, I guess…”

            He frowned, not being able to find anything to write on. Then he noticed the napkins on the snack table. “Follow me.”

            I obeyed and he took a pen out of his pocket (for autographs?) and wrote down his number. Handing it to me, he winked, and then popped a piece of chocolate in his mouth.

            His eyebrows burrowed together as he chewed. When he swallowed, he asked, “Where did all the food go?”

            My eyes grew the size of saucers as I replied, “I don’t know… But whoever eats that much must be, like, morbidly obese.”

Upper Class Love (a Justin Bieber love story novella)Where stories live. Discover now