Chapter Nineteen

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My hands clenched the edge of the trashcan with a tight grip. I started to gag, but couldn’t throw up.

            Why? Why did this have to happen to him? Why did I have to cause this? What if he dies? His blood will be on my hands! I couldn’t live with myself!

            A doctor briskly rushed in, addressing me. “Why are you here?”

            I shook my head and turned to him. “I’m visiting my buh-boyfriend.” I was pretty shaken up right now, trying to wrap my head around the situation.

            “This room is listed as private.”

            “The security officer man guard person let me in. He knows me. I’m Justin’s girlfriend.”

            “Marley Taylor?”


            He looked over a yellow sheet over paper and nodded. “Come with me.”

            The doctor briskly led me to the side of Justin’s bed. “Mr. Bieber here had a pretty serious crash. He is lucky to just come out with just a slight concussion and a broken left ankle. He should return to normal condition in a few weeks, though, so there is no need to worry yourself.”

            I was so overwhelmed with whatever motions were racing through my heart and head that I pulled the brisk doctor into a hug.

            The man grimaced but stayed put until I wiped my eyes and gently pushed him off of me. He cleared his throat, patted his white overcoat, and nodded.

            “Yes. How long do you think you’ll be staying?”

            “Until he gets better.” I blankly replied, staring into Justin’s closed eyes.

            “Visiting hours end at eight here. Good-bye now.” The brisk doctor stated, checking some numbers on a beeping screen, nodding. He waved his pen to me and left the room.

            I sat in the freakishly uncomfortable chair across of Justin. He looked like he was in a pretty deep sleep. Did the doctor say he was in a coma? I have such trouble paying attention…

            “Hey, Justin,” I whispered, holding his hand. I had to fight back the tears that were overflowing my blue eyes.

            His hair was still perfect, but his previously flawless skin had long, thin slice through the left cheek. I ran my finger across it, feeling all the guilt in the world settle on my shoulders.

            Just then a woman walked through the door. She was a petite woman with long, dark brown hair. We locked eyes and just blinked at each other until she greeted me.

            “Hi, I’m Pattie, Justin’s mother. And you are…?” Her smile was tainted, a false enthusiasm played through the greeting.

            “I’m Marley Taylor, your son’s girlfriend.” I got out, feeling awkward and dizzy from the smell of hospital death air.

            “How sweet. Justin has spoken of you to me before. You’re much prettier in person than from your Facebook pictures.”

            She’s Facebook stalks me…? I thought to myself. Well, okay then.

            “I won’t be here long. I just have to speak with some doctors about Justin’s condition and I’ll be on my way.” Pattie informed me.

Upper Class Love (a Justin Bieber love story novella)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ