Chapter Six

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Justin chuckled. “Yeah, must be.” Then he held onto my forearms, leaning into my left ear, and whispered, “I think it’s the new guy. He’s, like, really fat.”

            I frowned. That was harsh. “Justin, you shouldn’t say that…”

            “But we’re all thinking it.” He sneered.

            I pushed him away from me, not using as much force as I used the first time. “Well I’m not!”


            “Baby?” I repeated, interrupting him. “I just met you, and I sure as life ain’t your baby, so you need to back u-”

            This time he interrupted me, grabbing me, at first hard, but then he softened his grip. We stared into each others eyes, searching for something… Then he leaned down, closed his perfect eyes, and kissed me.

            Fireworks blasted inside of me, and my body tingled all over. This felt different from our other kisses. More passion, it was... Fierce. When he pulled back, I frowned. For once, I didn’t want to stop. “My manager is calling me,” he whispered romantically, “I have to be on stage soon. Call me.”

            He left me, hanging in the air, what felt like miles from the ground. But a shaking Maura brought me back to the floor… Hard.

            At first she was just stunned, her jaw hitting the ground like a paper-weight. But then Maura straightened her purple shirt with Justin’s face on it, put her fingers through her hair, and took a big breath. Breathe out. Bigger breath. Breathe out. Largest breath. “OhmyGodIdidnotjustseewhatIjustsaw!YoudidnotjusttalktoJustinBieberANDkisshimrepeatedly! Holyshiooooot! MarleyI’mnotsurewethertokissyouhugyouorslapyouforstealingmymanwhenyousaidyoudidn’tlikehim! IknewitIknewitIknewit!”

            While she took her next breath, I quickly whispered. “I’m sorry.”

            Her mouth was open and her eyes bore holes into me… But just as quickly they softened. “You kissed Justin Bieber!”

            A smirk fell on my lips. “Yeah, I suppose I did…”

            “Hey what’s this?” Maura asked, snatching the napkin from my hands.

            “Wait, that’s-”

            “Oh… My God…” The color from Maura’s face drained onto the floor, and her eyes looked as though she had just been possessed. “You… This is… Oh my God…”

            “I get it; you talk to God a lot.” I tried to tease, forcing out a feeble laugh.

            “Is this his number?!” She whispered, looking from her left to right. “He gave this to you?!”

            I squirmed where I stood. Am I supposed to tell her? Maura is my best friend… Plus, she’s the reason I’m here… “Yeah, it is.”

            “You know you have to give me his number, or I may just have to kill you… Right?” Maura’s hands were held together below her neck, her eager grin spreading from ear to ear.

            When I looked up at the ceiling and started to tap my foot, she burrowed her brows, then put on a face she knew would get to me:

            The puppy dog face.

            “Ughhhhh!” I groaned, stomping my foot. “Fine! But what are you going to text him, ‘Hey, I’m Marley’s B-F-F and I totally love you!’? He’ll have to change his number!”

            She sneered. “Fine, I see how it is. Don’t tell me.”

            I rolled my eyes and leaned into her left ear. “I’ll show you my souvenir.”

            Her eyes grew the size of saucers as I pulled out Justin’s chain that I took from his neck while we were kissing. “Can I have it?! Wait… It’d be better if you kept it.” She rolled her eyes, “After all, he is your new boyfriend.”

            My face flushed and I quickly faced away from her and I handed the chain over to her. “J-Just clip this together.”

            Maura obeyed, clipping the two pieces of silver together. I whirled around, my face not feeling as hot, and asked, “How do I look?”

            I did a few model poses and really got into it. Maura finally lightened up and started whistling. Together we started laughing hysterically until she tripped on her heels she “just had to wear!”

            “Ma’am, are you alright?” A large man with a moustache asked, rushing over to help up Maura. Where did he even come from?! He looked like a total pervert, coming out of no where to help a teenager in heels, booty shorts, and tight Justin shirt on.

            “Yeah, I’m fine.” Maura flirtatiously smiled. Oh crap, what was she up to?

            “That’s a relief.” He creepily smiled. The man looked at me and his smile disappeared.

            “What, not good enough for you…?” I mumbled under my breath as I kicked the tip of my shoe on the floor.

            “Excuse me?” He snapped, looking in my direction.

            “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” I snapped right back, putting my hands on my hips.

            “Listen you little twerp, the adults are talking right now, so go a-”

            Fed up, I jumped on his back and started biting on his right arm. As much as I tried not to let my tongue stray from the roof of my mouth, he thrashed about so much that I could taste the Old Spice on him.

            “What the…?!” He threw me off of his arm. “Get out of here!” Pointing to Maura, he whispered, “If you’re with her, you have to go, too.”

            Maura stuck out her bottom lip,  but nodded. She grabbed my arm and started dragging me out of the backstage area, like I was the five-year-old.

            As we got to our seats half an hour later, Maura smiled. “This is why I’m friends with you!” She had to shout over the other 70,000 people there.

            “Thanks! Look what I got!” The man’s gold Rolex sat loosely on my wrist.

            We started cracking up, until the lights dimmed and the stadium went quiet.

            Justin sauntered out of where the hockey players usually come out of.

Upper Class Love (a Justin Bieber love story novella)Where stories live. Discover now