Then I saw a remote beside him. Curious what it was, I picked it up and examined it. It was the remote for the bed. I sniffed at the air, there's this wonderful smell that kept me occupied. I searched in the room, then I found a bowl on the huge wheeled tray beside me.

It was porridge.

My eyes glued on the cuisine, not realizing that my mouth watered the whole time.

"Eat it if you want." Suddenly his voice caught my attention. I turned to look at him, then at the porridge.

"I-It's okay... I'm not hungry..." I stuttered, feeling a bit awkward after last night. He still wasn't looking at me, but I could hear him grunt.

"Don't lie Angela. I can see the look on your face when you saw that porridge. Take it..." he insisted. I turned to look at the porridge, it was calling me. Without realising, my hands already reached for the bowl. The steam coming out from the food made it look more irresistible. I was unconsciously licking my lips, already tasting the hot porridge in my mind.

As my hands touched the bowl, the warmth it emitted somehow kept my whole body warm. I took it into my hands, putting on my lap and looked at the porridge. It was very appetizing. Then realization hit me.

"This porridge is for you, isn't it?" I looked at him, but he never looked at my way, not saying any words.

It's very obvious, since the tray was sent here, just for him. I felt a bit guilty for taking it, even if he insisted me to eat his breakfast. I leaned on the chair, pondering into thought. Then something came into mind.

He wasn't looking at my way, until he felt that his bed was moving. I pressed the button on the remote to make his bed sit up for him since he couldn't move too much; but I could see him wince from the sudden action. He looked at me dissatisfied, but I ignored him. When it reached at a comfortable elevation, I stopped. I placed the remote back down away from him and took the spoon from the porridge bowl.

His eyes darted at the spoonful of hot porridge in front of his face that I offered to him. He glared at me, but I just looked at him emotionless; not budging.

"It's yours. I couldn't take it if you don't at least eat it."

"I'm not... hungry..." he bellowed. I shook my head.

"Don't be stubborn, Gabriel... Just a spoonful is enough." I tried to put the spoon closer, but he refused to open his mouth.

"Doctor's orders..." I spoke. He was silent.

"I'm not a kid.." he heaved.

"Kid or not, you have to eat.." he still refused. I let out a sigh.

"Look, if you don' want to eat, I won't eat it then.."

"What do I care?"

"When you told me to eat, it shows you already cared enough." I answered confidently, and he just 'tch'ed. He cursed under his breath, while I actually smiled.

"Now please... eat..." I offered the spoon again, he had second thoughts, I could tell. Then, without any surprise, he slowly took the spoon into his mouth. I already let out a sigh that I never realized holding.

He looked away, munching; not wanting to take anymore.

"There. Happy?" He spoke with a mouthful. I just answered with a smile.

"Take the rest. I don't want anymore. Taste awful." I could see he was just trying to excuse himself not to eat, but I couldn't argue. Seeing him taking a spoonful is actually enough for me. I set the bowl aside and got up from my seat.

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