Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

My eyes were longing only to see one person around me that was Jake. I just wanted to see him in front of my eyes though I know I could not go and hug him to my heart content.

"Eat this" Alex held piece of steak near my mouth,

"No, I am fine"

"I am not asking you Myra, Just eat this"

He surely had mixed something in this, I had that weird feeling in my mind but I opened my mouth hesitantly and ate it. I saw shade of smug in his blue dominating eyes.

Alex was approaching his guests whilst I was looking here and there hoping that I could see Jake working around but he was nowhere.

"What are you looking for?" Alex asked me suddenly.

"Where is your birthday cake?" I asked deliberately to turn the subject.

"We don't celebrate birthday with big birthday cakes, Best quality blood with best quality wine is more than enough to celebrate birthday." Alex said all time studying my face, I am sure my face was completely pale after hearing him.

"I am glad that you haven't bit me yet?" I said him feebly. I was sounding pathetic now.

"That's just because you were very skinny to fed from you, so I thought first to fatten you" he chuckled impishly while I was struggling not to lose my ground. I started looking anywhere but him and I saw many of the couples were moving on dance floor and some of them were already engaged in dance.

"Here, dance with me" I gasped as he lifted me in air by waist and put me on the large round shape dance floor. He himself stepped on that dance floor, everyone moved aside in respect as he walked us at the centre of the stage. Then he placed my one hand on his right shoulder and clasped my other hand in his left hand entwining our fingers while his right hand slithered near my waist.

I frowned. He whirled me in air and then pulled me folding my hands and bringing my back to his chest. His chin was snuggling on my shoulder and his hot breath was fanning on my skin.

I wanted to kick him badly, how dare he? This man is getting on my nerves now. He is moving his nasty hands on me in the name of dance.

He turned me slowly by unfolding my hand, the next dance move and now we were standing face to face. He was swaying me with him on the rhythm of music while I was trying to make my heart stone to bear his obnoxious touch.

I felt his gaze on my lips and in next instant he smashed his lips on mine. What the hell? He was snogging me. My kiss will always belongs to the man I love and not this heartless bastard. I tried to push him hard but he didn't budge, I was feeling mortified and disgusted as he inserted his tongue forcefully into my mouth. Before I could knew it myself I jerked away from him, my hand swung in air and thud on his cheek.

The party hall went on silent.

When I realized what I did, it was too late. I had already slapped Alex before all vampire guests present over here in this enormous hall. My palms pinned on my already slacked mouth, and I stared him wide eyed in terror.

Alex was snorting like wild animal, his blue eyes were no more blue, they were petrifying red, his jaw was tight, his hands were crumpled in tight fists, I could definitely imagine my death in his orbs.

"I..I m really sorry....forgive me please, aaa are you going to slap me........y you can slap me" scaring like hell, I barely finish my sentence. But his eyes were still burning like Lava and the next thing I know he was in front of me before I could say a word he threw me on his shoulder and just in blur I was on the ground on my knees in totally different room. I crawled on the ground and flipped to sit on my back, I found him standing right in front of me.


I was desperately trying to say something in my defence but no word came out of my mouth. I was trembling like hell and waiting for my ferocious death standing right before my eyes.


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