How dare she speak of Emmeryn! "We've done it already."

She flips her head back. "Your victory over sad little Gangrel? Or perhaps Walhart's defeat?" she asked. "Those were meant to happen. They were preordained. You are just another fool in motley, capering on the stage!"

Lissa steps up. "But...what about Emmeryn!" she quivers.

"You only changed the method of her death. Either way, she was planted in the ground..."

"But that was Gangrel's will... Not yours... Not Validar's..." Frederick growled.

Aversa groans. "You aren't listening. All of this- every word and action- has been orchestrated..." she said dryly. "Gangrel held the exalt in contempt, yes, so Validar and I used him. In life AND death. The king's demise threw Plegia into chaos. It drove the people to Grima... Now their life force and rancor can be laid before the fell dragon en masse."

I gasp. "You couldn't mean..."

"It is called the Table for a reason, you naive little man," Aversa sneers. "It is where Grima feeds! The Grimleal have gladly offered themselves to him for ages. Even now, they pray for his return... Today the Table overflows with bounty, and their prayers will be answered!"

All of the Shepherds gasp and some turn away to gag. I try my best not to follow. "I will never allow that to happen!" I yell.

Aversa smirks. "But it already HAS happened in our future. This moment was set a millennium ago," she said.

"How could anyone give their life willingly to that...thing? That monster!" Lucina shouts.

I point my blade at the offenders. "I will stop you! I will stop Grima!"

"Aversa, it is time. I must prepare." Validar growled.

"As you command, Master," Aversa replied.

"Validar! ...VALIDAR!" I shout. "THAT'S IT! Shepherds! At arms!"

They are way ahead of me.


Anna and I finally reach Aversa. "A final question, witch, before you die-"

"Oh? Then perhaps one final answer, boy, before you fail..." she replied dryly.

I turn to Anna. "Who is Validar? Why do you follow him?" I ask, turning back to that she-devil.

Aversa looks down. "He is...a father to me,"

Anna gasps in shock. "I have..."

"...What?! But... You're Anna's sister?!" I gasp.

"Aha ha ha! You damn fool! Not literally..." she sneered. "But he did raise me as if I were his own. Taught me everything... I was a poor orphaned wretch with dirt for food, yet Master Validar took me in. He provided when others would have watched me starve. I would never presume that he loves me... But he is everything I know of love. I would gladly die at his command."

"Even knowing his actions will destroy the world?" I ask.

Aversa prepares a tome. "But he IS the world- and it is YOU that would destroy HIM! For where I stand, YOU are the only aggressor here," she turns to my wife and scoffs. "How Anna lives with the shame, attacking her own blood..."

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