Book 3 confirmed...

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Oh my gosh I tried to resist fleshing out a book 3 but I was never really satisfied how book 2 ended it felt so depressing and open. I wanted more for Sans and Rose...I love these two and I wanted to explore their relationship about the slowest burn romance on the planet.

so I am in the process of writing this one out. have about 3 chapters written so far and trying to work a plot at the same time. I'm going to introduce Toriel in this story for all the Tori fans... :D I will try to write her to the best of my ability...we might even get a peek of Mettaton... Oh My....

well keep a look out for book 3 of Auction Item... here's a sneak peek of the book cover! By me your friendly neighborhood author!

 here's a sneak peek of the book cover! By me your friendly neighborhood author!

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Aftermath Book 2 of Auction ItemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora