Chapter 19

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Oh my gosh guys this is almost over one chapter to go after this! Comment, vote, and enjoy the chaos! 

She was out in the middle of waterfall—trying to navigate the dense fog and sodden earth that was littered with hidden roots to trip her up—the corpses of the murdered and the unforgiving endless wails and cries of the fallen from the echo flowers? Her mind was ready to snap as the soppy soil sucked out her energy—it just took so much out of her to yank her legs from sucking mud holes. Gathering herself after being tripped up by hidden hazards. And to have a hell bend teleporting skeleton on her heels it was a relentless pace.

Being injured had not helped her case—the cuts burned with the filthy mud—she wheezed from the off gassing of the swamp, and her muscles felt like they were on fire from the beating she received from Tenebris and the sheer excursion.

Rose was about to give up—she had lost Sans and now Tenebris who has jumped into him controlling him or making him live out some dark urges was right behind her as her legs gave up trying to yank from another mud hole. It held her fast like glue—he had been toying with her for what felt like hours—it could have been twenty or more minutes but she had no real clue.

Heart about ready to explode from the marathon and adrenalin that was fading she was hyperventilating mud, blood, and sweat stung her eyes. Rose couldn't see him but hear his heavy well placed footfalls inching towards her. "Ready or not here I come."

This was it—Sans was going to kill her—no it was Tenebris who had control over him or had started whatever this was...she was so lost as to what was happening... "S—Sans."

"Begging won't help you now."

"T—this is Tenebris—its what he does—I know you would—would never want to hurt me Sans..."

"Stalling for time? its not going to work sweetheart...besides, what is before you is the real Sans...and this Sans has always wanted to paint the walls in your blood..."

She tensed getting ready for the finishing blow when she heard the sudden battle cry of a blue fish woman. The flash of blue magic formed spear as it jabbed home into Sans somewhere she heard him suddenly roar in pain.

"Rose!" Undyne bellowed.

"Tiny human!" Papyrus was there too...she whimpered as she was suddenly gathered into someone's arms. "Shh it is alright now, Alphys will get you fixed up—I must help Undyne subdue my brother."

"Pap—its Tenebris...He's in Sans." She didn't see him nod and take off as she heard Alphys remove her lab coat with a flutter of material.

"Try to stay still you lost a lot of blood."

"Y—you have to help me...he said—he said Sans's soul..."

"Uh Rose everything will be ok...let me clear some of this mud from you."

"P—please help him." the sounds of the battle were growing more intense...louder

"W-were going to—to do whatever we can to help Sans."

"M—my soul is not white—worthless I'm worthless..." she sobbed as Alphys started cleaning the mud from her.


Sans ripped the spear from his shoulder and crushed it in his hands—the magic shattered and he glared daggers at the intruder... Undyne.

"Stay away from her."

He smirked his sickly red magic dribbled from the wound. "What are you waiting for?" he taunted as she glared daggers at him. She produced another spear and charged. He jumped back as she gave chase leaving Rose unattended. He saw his brother rushing in grabbing up Rose and fleeing towards Alphys...well looks like the gang is all here. Sans produced his own hued bones appeared in the air as he launched them at her opponent. He laughed and taunted at each of her misses—spears flying inches and less pat him. They both landed blows with magic attacks and with fists.

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