Chapter 4

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So Guys tell me honestly... are you liking this so far? Things will be changing pace pretty soon so if its a slow start it will get better. :) as always enjoy!

The next morning came too soon. She groaned hearing Sans phone go off by the nightstand she grumbled as he sat up and reached over her.

"Five more minuets mom..."

"Heh—no can do." He responded but she was already asleep. So he smirked and tickled her under the chin she squirmed and opened her yes. "Mean."

"Come on before Pap bursts in here—"

"Sans Rose was not in her room!"

Rose hissed as the light was suddenly on she had just sat up. This was worse than with the blinding light of her and Sans soul when he was using it to defeat giant Asgore. She fell back into to the bed with a pain filled groan.

"Oh..." Paps seemed uncomfortable. Why was Rose in his bed?

"Come on get up." Sans grunted as he kneed her in the butt with a yelp she was up and slipping out of the warmth of his bed. She frowned and went towards her room grabbing her clothing for the day. Papyrus watched her go then turned back to his brother. "Sans?"

"What?" he snapped and look at his brother.

"What is going on?"

"She had a happens you know?"

"Do—you have something else with the human?"

"Human...her name is Rose and so what?"

"Sans Asgore forbids it he says he doesn't want anymore coupling with humans and monsters..."

"And that does a lot of good having that rule when the sex trafficking yahoos snag a bunch of kids and women off the streets daily huh?"

"We're supposed to be an example."

"I didn't do ANYTHING drop it." Sans growled kicking off his sleep pants and finding his street clothes to climb into, his duffle was by the door—damnit he never washed his frickin uniform. "SHIT!"

Papyrus had already vacated his door way heading to get dressed as well. His uniforms were nice and tidy in his closet. Immaculate and well maintained while Sans sometimes came in rumpled to Undyne's wrath. He would laugh it off and go change into his spare in his this time. He would have teleport there first.

In the next thirty minutes they were at work. Rose shaken up gripped Sans arm in a cold sweat... "I—I will never get used to that."

Papyrus just removed his hand from Sans shoulder and went stomping inside with a purpose. Rose blinked in the early morning  confused. Sans pried her arm off of him. "Goat king will be waiting for you inside I'm sure."

"You're leaving me already?" she balked.

"Heh—unless you want to accompany me in the men's locker room while we change into our uniforms..." he raised a socket ridge at her.

Her face darkened. "OK, no! I'm walking... see I'm walking inside." She marched inside much like Papyrus had done, she had a purpose and not to be around for any sick and twisted jokes Sans might come up with that little scenario of her going into the men's locker room.

Sans teleported and she made it to the massive front doors knocking loudly to be heard she waited a moment as they opened. Last time this place was crawling with human servants and guards this time a guard opened the door and smiled.

"I'm here to see the king?"

"Ah the human Rose, please follow me." He led her through the grand entry way—it was brighter—lush golds and jewel tones decorated the furniture and wall fixtures... the walls were crisp white and Rose felt a tinge of resentment...all of these riches here for the king to spoil himself with and the rest of the human population was living with sponsors or in slums.

"Ah Rose." The king suddenly boomed causing her to jump he was in a sitting room off the main hall the guard had taken them down. She spun as he got up from his seat he had been by a roaring fire. "I didn't mean to startle you my dear—please come and join me for a cup of tea." He smiled warmly. she spied a female goat dressed in a elegant purple dress excuse herself with an empty tray. was the king Married? she had never seen her before...

She couldn't help but warm up to him. He reminded her of a giant furry Santa Claus. His fur snowy white he had a crop of golden hair on his head longer and shimmered like gold, a beard to rival the holiday icon his temperament was reminded her of. And his horns were now tame and not the terrifying things from before.

He motioned her over to a seat, he was wearing kingly garb a long purple cape hung down his back she spied the chair he was motioning to and saw it was quite large she had to climb into it...not letting the thought pass that she felt like a child...thanks you stupid balloon worm cactus monster... she thought back to the nightmare she stumbled upon in the underground. She had refused to go back after that...she never wanted to come across one of those again.

Soon a monster servant, odd to think of she blinked as she came in served her and then checked the Kings cup and refreshed his cup for him she soon left, this was not the purple dressed Goat lady... Rose leaned forward with some difficultly and grabbed a few sugar cubes from the coffee table and sweetened her tea. He waited for Rose to complete doctoring her tea and leaned back looking into the fire and took a sip he returned the cup to the saucer that looked comical in his large furry hands. she was about to inquire about her when the king spoke up.

"So as to the matter of why I asked you here Rose...I require your help again."

"W—with what your majesty?"

"You helped me a great deal—I feel guilty for asking you for anything else...I can never fully repay you but I am holding a conference tonight and I need you to be there. I need a human representative there. I need an ambassador."

"I—I thought I was told them what Sans and I did...mentioned me a few times in your speeches..."

"I need you front and center. We need the human element and we need someone who has shown such a selfless attitude who is a beacon...your soul is a symbol of peace."

Her soul—good it wasn't as great as everyone thought it was. "I—I have never been in this sort of position before...I don't know what to do..."

"We'll help you through every step—without you we can't hope to achieve  peace—the situation is at a boiling working under me will give the humans a stake in what happens in their lives...we will gain stability."

"You want me to be a diplomat..." she couldn't believe it...could this work—would it work?

"Yes Rose I am asking you to take on a huge mantle, towards change and peace."

"I will take it."

"Wonderful—I will name you tonight at the will be a beacon in unsettling times—a hero!" The king was so ecstatic he jumped up and rushed to sweep her up in his powerful arms. He laughed jovial "This is exactly what we need!"

Shocked and warmed she gave an uneasy smile. This was a huge step—she was going to be in the public eye—and everything that entailed...

"Come we must get you prepared for tonight."

"T—tonight ?"

Another chapter bites the dust! no pun intended... :D I will be posting another chapter right after this. vote, comment, or complain... I don't mind. and for my readers who want Goat mom...I gave her a slight cameo...don't worry she will show up in the next few stories in the works. I am getting a better handle on writing "Goat Mom."

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