Chapter 18

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Wow Chapter 18 were almost done with this one ! Leave comments, and vote :D Lets see what Tenebris has in store for Rose.

By the time they were out close to where Tenebris lived the flowers just wailed incoherently. Screams of passed tortured souls Rose was a wreck hearing them. Tenebris hummed along with the tormented melody of screams chuckling as she became more and more unhinged from the torrent of noise.

Tenebris loved waterfall—it was dark and filled with the dead—hell he had placed many of them here...each echo flower a recording of his favorite parts of each departure. Each wail and plea for mercy caused his soul to shiver, intoxicating.

"Come on, Waterfall was considered one of the most romantic places in the underground."

She jumped from his slithering voice and barked. "You're insane—"

"I have been called know I missed our nightly visits." He spun on her in an instant and she was gathered in his arm.

"I didn't." she grit her teeth fighting the pain. If he would release his vice grip on her soul she would fight back...

His skin was icy cold and moved over hers like a cold chill. He was darkness he was the void a living portion of it she hated. There was a logical reason she was terrified of Sans teleportation ability—he had passed through this—this mess and it always reminded her of odd for him to give her his name now... he had been nameless, faceless in the Warren. Now he looked at her with glowing shifting sockets of purple—jagged morphing mouth line filled with teeth that also had the same eerie glow.

He arms and tendrils wrapped around her almost looking like he was absorbing her she felt her body go numb she was gone inside him up to her neck he leaned in closer and drug a long magic produced purple tongue across her cheek wet and slick it left her face feeling cold as she shivered against him.

When Tenebris didn't receive the reaction he was looking for he tightened his magical grip on her soul she winced crying out in pain, panting and biting down on her lip to keep herself from making more noise. She was not going to give him the satisfaction.

"Oh— a whimper—seems you are losing your touch." He snickered in her ear his teeth brushing her skin. "I used to be able to do all sorts of things to you before you even made a peep...because you knew what I would do to you if you make a sound."

Squeezing her eyes closed she tried to gather her wits...the pain was always worse if she made a noise.


"Alright so what do we have Alphys?" Undyne looked over her shoulder as she grabbed a small case filled with three syringes. She had just gotten back from talking to the King.

"T—these are the last three vials of concentrated human soul cocktail I had to stabilize Asgore's corrupted souls. This was the strongest treatment I had for him." she spoke with barely a warble.

"Isn't it dangerous to mix human souls with a monster?" Papyrus asked. "Look what it did to Asgore—and Sans doesn't have corrupted human souls in him...his was corrupted by a fragment."

"Exactly...that piece is what is causing this. I think that using this powerful of a shot will shock the soul fragment and dislodge it or destroy it completely releasing Sans from the same fate as Asgore was spiraling towards."

"But Rose saved Asgore—her white soul will save the day we just need to find her!"

"Its not that easy Pap—"Undyne explained for Alphys. "She lost her soul's color when her and Sans saved Asgore—it didn't recuperate after she used it."

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