Chapter 7

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Hello Guys seems I am not done with the posting so awesome for all of you! :D  some mild language guys no worries.

Rose woke to the sound of beeping monitors and hushed talking, eye fluttering open she shifted in the bed but moved her shredded shoulder. Wincing, a slight moan escaped her lips. Everyone's eyes were on her as she was looking up at the ceiling letting her eyes focus she saw Sans come into view and she instantly felt relief, fear he was going to be mad at her, and regret for taking this job.

"Sans." Her voice was tiny as he glared down at her then it melted as he rushed forward taking her into an embrace.

"God damn it, don't do that again!"

"I'm sorry."

"I thought I was going to lose you."

Her eyes clouded over. "No—I'm not going anywhere—Sans."

He lifted his head and looked her in the eyes. She saw the tears gathered at the sockets and felt a jolt of guilt go through her. The pain in her shoulder and her whole body told her not to move but she clung to him. Burying her face in his chest, Sans squeezed his sockets closed as he pressed his mouth to the crown of her head.

Alphys blushed at the display—she knew that Sans cared for Rose but she didn't think it was like this...Papyrus looked just as awkward as he looked up at the ceiling. Grillby found the floor more interesting.

Sans while he was doting on Rose realized he wasn't alone with her and pulled away. "Sorry." He turned to the rest.

"It's alright Sans." Grillby was the first to respond. Causing Rose to look around Sans bulk to see the flame elemental.


"Rose—I want to apologize—I—uh."

"I forgive you Grillby—"

"I won't do it again—you are always welcome in my bar—in my home—I am going to start standing up for what I believe in and I'm going to take that stupid sign down." He walked over to her and took her hand she flinched thinking she was going to be burned but surprisingly she wasn't. Wow—he was actually not that hot to the touch.

He smiled. "I'm behind you one hundred percent."

"Thank you Grillby." She beamed up at him.

Papyrus took her up into a hug next excited and overjoyed she was alright. She hugged him back as he complained about her being a magnet for trouble. She laughed and tried to assure them she was fine but the pain was returning and Alphys ordered her friends out so she could rest.

"I'll be back Rose I got to run an errand." He smiled as she weakly waved.

Sans took a few moments to talk to Grillby about the incident at the bar. Grillby gave names of the dog gang that had been hanging around. He thanked Grillby as he teleported to go talk to the goat king. He reappeared in the great hall with Pap who hitched a ride. He warned Sans against being rash but Sans waved him off.

"I just want to see who might be behind this Paps—I am not going to hurt anyone."


"You worry too much bro—get back to Undyne I am sure the whole force is scattered right now she is going to need your help."

"A—Alright but call me if you need anything."

"I will be fine, but alright no problem."

Sans continued to walk knowing exactly where the King was—he had the ability to home in on someone if he knew what their soul energy felt like. Paps and friends like Grillby were easy he could do that in his sleep—the king well he rarely traveled away from the castle. But he also knew his energy better since working for him. Though Sans would never consider him a friend.

Aftermath Book 2 of Auction ItemМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя