Chapter 5

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Wow Two chapters in one day! the Saga continues...

Late that afternoon she finally got to leave and was escorted home by a few guards from the King. They left her at the door but she didn't go back in. she waved them off and when they were out of sight she rushed towards Grillby's. She had no idea why she was coming back here...well she did she wanted to apologize properly to the flame elemental tell him the good news—that there was hope again.

Sans sat back listening in mild horror—they were hiring a human to be diplomat for human issues on the council...they were being named tonight at the kings conference meeting—in attendance would be monsters and humans alike and Asgore wanted his task force to be there to keep the peace... a main force of the strongest officers.

"Now we all know how volatile this situation is going to be tensions are running high to begin with and a lot of monsters are going to be upset a human is being named an ambassador to their species that humans will have a say on the council... " Undyne spoke up looking at a clipboard. "I have a list of potential candidates for patrol tonight, but I can't order you there...I know some of you have already addressed your feelings on the matter." She sighed. "So I need volunteers..." the room went dead quiet.

Sans looked around the room he could tell which ones they were by looking at their sudden lack of eye contact to Captain Undyne. Someone needed to step up for this poor human sap who was being sucked into this hell—a human diplomat in this day and age would be a death sentence.

"I'll do it." Sans barked raising his bony hand catching Greg's eyes that was close to him a row back.

"Sans is goin—I'm goin." Greg chimed in.

"Count me in too Captain Undyne—" Papyrus bellowed oozing bravery.

A few others were empowered to chime in, a total of twenty—that was barely enough to cover the inside of the grand meeting hall—the rest were paired off a skeleton crew sent out for normal patrols and the rest were stationed outside the meeting hall for support and to be a deterrent. At least they wouldn't have the horror show inside.

"Alright you have you assignments for tonight. I need the ones who volunteered for tonight, come to the drill hall we have work to do. The rest of you report back here by five I will inform you of your post, the ones who are on the patrols in town get out there and do your jobs." Undyne barked and dismissed the room.

Sans waited a moment sitting in his chair letting the crowds thin out. "Sans you sure you wanna do this I mean..." Greg was motioning to his wrist again.

"I am not worried about upsetting a few humans. I have a job to do. But I will hide it if it makes you feel better."

"It don't bother me...but were gonna be in a shook bottle—all we need is something to pop the top."

"I get it...come on let's go big guy." Sans got up and followed Paps out who had been waiting for them.

Rose arrived at Grillby's in the dull roar of the end of the lunch rush. She swallowed hard seeing the sign stare at her and steeled up her courage, shoving the door open and walking in with purpose. She met instant resistance.

"The hell are you doing in here human—too stupid to read?" a burly dog monster stood up barrel chested he reminded her of a Saint Bernard.

"I have just as much right to be here as you do." She kept the insults to herself she had to be processional but this dog was blocking her path.

"Well that sign says different."

The whole restaurant glared at her or avoided her gaze around the room.

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