Chapter 13

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Hola Amigos! Here we are at the next Chapter! Enjoy, comment, vote :P Tenebris you are such an A-Hole....

Tenebris smiled from the shadows apart of the wall he had seen Sans come in after he slipped from the room and saw the dark smile on his face as his love went for a tumble only to be disappointed he snapped out of it. It wasn't like Tenebris wanted her dead just yet but the weight of the injury would no doubt push Sans that much closer to losing it.

Sans didn't teleport to work instead he followed his family on transport he was too tired and weak from the dialysis. That whole procedure had been a nightmare in itself...painful and time consuming Alphys had to drill a hole in his humerus right above his elbow and tap into his blood or magic, the machine pulled it out mixed it with the chemicals in the dialysis machine and returned it to his other arm which had a similar hole. The process took hours it had been one of the early treatments with Asgore—simpler for him since he had flesh and arteries and what have you.

He felt better—or would have if he wasn't so dog tired. He leaned heavy on Rose who had given a small eep as Sans attempted to crush her tiny frame. She was now in a skeleton sandwich—Papyrus bore both of their weight as if it was nothing and Sans started to drift off.

"You really think that's going to work...Alphys is smart and she might be an expert on souls but buddy yours is doomed." His alternate self, spoke up right as he closed his eyes.

Sans jerked awake causing Rose to breathe a sigh of relief, Sans had shifted off her as she gave him a weak smile. "No sleep either?"

"Hell no—I wish." He grunted and rubbed his face, the soft tingling of the collar oddly gave them both a sense of ease. She grabbed his arm in a comforting embrace but he hissed yanking away.

"Wha—what wrong?" Rose yelped at the sudden jerk and pain that ran across his features. Even Papyrus looked at them worried.

"Ah its nothing—smacked my arm on the wall when I freaked out last biggie." He smirked then settled back down in his seat using the back chair pad for support and not Rose.

Rose gave him a look not buying his story but he avoided her gaze.

"Uppity bitch—she needs to learn her place..." nightmare Sans grumbled. Sans growled hearing the voice again...he was awake now damn it—why was it still bothering him... "It would be so easy—she's so weak and trusting..."

Sans felt his hand slip down to touch Rose's shoulder on its own and the panic rise up in his chest as Rose turned and smiled. Sans choked out the next words as he fought for control over his own body. "Hey—I'm sorry Rose. But don't worry about me ok...I'm a big skeleton. B- Besides we—we need to look out for you." Stiffly he removed his hand from her shoulder...the odd embrace had almost cupped her throat in his large hand.

A red flag shot up in her mind at the phrase he just spoke. "Sans I care about you—so I'm going to worry." She was giving him a chance to clear the air now...what was wrong with him he was acting strange since their nightmares. They sadly had no evidence that nightmare had invaded their dreams. Only that last night they both had them...Rose's mind could have easily conjured up images of him since he had been a large part of her life back in the Warren—back when she was in a very dark place. She had panicked when she saw him and even had a sort of mental breakdown that Alphys had to treat with drugs...she felt ashamed that nightmare had that much control over her life still...

Once at the castle they briefly broke away from one another. The skeletons brothers went towards the locker rooms and Rose went to find Asgore—luckily a guard was nice enough to show her where he was. Sans down in the locker room loaded his locker with the nicely pressed and hung uniforms that Rose insisted on doing for him while she was out recovering. The girl never seemed to quit.

"You won't be able to stop me forever—you slipped up today you were so close to her neck it was... dare I say erotic." The voice chuckled darkly in the back of his skull. "You entertained the notion for a moment like you did on the stairs... that would have been a sight to see her busted open skull at the bottom of the sticky blood as sweet as syrup ready to be lapped up...not to mention the brains.."


"Whoa—Sans what's up man?" Greg jumped startled at the sudden outburst had just closed his locker closed a little off put by Sans mile long stare when he greeted him. "You feelin' alright there Sans?"

"Y—yeah I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you—I had a rough night, no sleep." He scrubbed his face—his arms were throbbing.

Greg chuckled. "Oh really a girl keep you up?" he elbowed the skeleton in the ribs almost knocking him over. The tension seemed to fade from the locker room as others filed out heading to briefing room and Undyne.

"No." Sans snapped. "I have been really out of my head recently."

"With what happened to Rose no doubt—I'm really sorry about that Sans we had no idea it was someone you knew elected as a diplomat."

"Believe me it was a surprise for me too."

"You still on guard detail for her?"

"Yeah—appointed by Asgore and Undyne themselves...I'm just doubting myself that I can even protect her you know...keep her safe."

"Hey don't be hard on yourself Sans—you can only respond to known threats...we had no idea what could happen that night, plus it happened so damn fast none of us were prepared even with all the drills and training."

"I know it's just she needs someone to look out for her."

"You are the best skeleton for the doubt about it." Greg smiled and left giving Sans a moment .

I hope you liked this! To be continued...

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