The End

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In a large bedroom with black walls and red lighting, Benedict Capps sits on the bed, waiting for something to happen. He thinks about something I can't quite understand.

"Tell me, Wayne, do you know what happened to me?" Capps says.

"No, I don't." I say.

"Of course, you don't know. I was 12 when it happened. I lived with my mother after my father left us for a whore. We were human. One day my mother was driving. At that time, everyone had cars that couldn't fly. I was on the passenger seat. Then, a woman tried to kill my mother by firing a gun at us. She hit my mother's arm, causing our car to crash with a truck in front of us. You see, they were in a mob and my mother quit that day. She was afraid so she was driving very fast. The woman got away and an ambulance came. In the hospital, a doctor told me she wouldn't be able to move her body for the rest of her life.

It was like a bullet had hit me on my chest. I couldn't bear thinking that my mother would suffer for the rest of her life. After three months, she said to me, 'I want you to kill me, Ben. I'm in denial of my own death.' That were the exact words that came out of her filthy mouth. At first, I said, no, but she kept whining about it. She kept pushing me! So, I took the knife the nurse used to cut my mother's meal and I stab her in her heart. I screamed and she did too. I was full of rage and sadness at the same time. After that, I escaped. I lived on the streets. There, a demon disguise as an old woman taught me everything I needed to know to become an Omega." The master says, letting a tear slide down his cheek.

"Why are you telling me this?" I say.

"I want you to understand how it feels to get fucked by life itself. I learned to control my powers and so it began my search for justice. Humans are full of selfishness. My mother sacrifice my emotions for hers. The one who tried to kill my mother, she was selfish too so I killed her. Willing to sacrifice the life of a child and woman for her job. Humanity has no hope. I figured that out sooner that I would've wanted to. You know how I knew she was a demon, the old lady? She showed compassion. I was living on the streets, on the streets! Because the laws of the human world are broken. I wanted justice, but I wanted revenge even more. I started killing people as a little kid. Then I became older and I found a way to stay like this forever. I evolved technology and I put the Omegas on top. The Alphas tried to stop me, but they failed. I took their castle and it became the kingdom of the new world. My world." The master says, almost yelling.

"You're sick." I say.

"Then, I learned about multiple dimensions. So, I sent you to one of them to write about the end of humanity. It is called Chaos, the book. You know why? Because I already know what's going to happen. In ten seconds, Kenya will walk through that door." He says.

"Kenya's dead, you son of a bitch. You don't know shit, prick." I say, as Kenya enters the room through the door.

"Why don't you just teleport, my love?" He says to Kenya.

"I'm not here to flirt. I'm here to try to convince you to leave with me. I know I left you, I know that! I also that know you're not a bad person. I know the real you. The one who loves me. You can go back and be like it was before everything got so fucked up. Let's get out of here. You can still live a good life, Ben." Kenya says, the Kenya from this dimension.

"I can't. I appreciate that you have come, but I think in a book like Chaos, irony is big part of the excitement. I can't have a main character that just died come back to live. I'm afraid I have to kill you. You are a complete Alpha in this world. Goodbye, sweetheart." He says, raising his arm, opening his hand, pointing at directly at her.

"No, please! Ben, I just want what's best for you. Please, don't kill me. Please! Ben, please! I shouldn't have come." Kenya cries.

"You see what's the book about, Wayne? It's about the end of the human race. I want to have the ending to your race in writing. Goodbye for the second time, my love." Benedict says, splitting her body in two parts, spilling her blood everywhere.

"You monster!" I say.

"In 10 seconds, the three Alphas will appear here." He says, as the three Alphas, MJ, Storm, and Tiffany, appear. They are crying. MJ says:

"You killed every Alpha, every man, woman, and child in our dimension. Why didn't you kill us? Why not us? Why not us, you bastard? Kill me! Kill me, asshole. I want you to punch me, you coward. Please, just kill me." MJ cries.

"As you wish." Benedict says, rapidly appearing right in front of MJ, smiling, and punching her so hard towards the ground, she breaks the floor and dies with her eyes open, looking up at the man who killed her.

"Why? Why!" Storm screams.

"Your race must die. They are dying in both dimensions at the same time. My people are killing yours. I want to save the best for last, Storm. You have to hold on the screaming for later. Now, Tiffany, my beautiful Tiffany. You are quite the looker. I'm afraid that I have to kill you, honey. I'm sorry for The Terk. I created him from human body parts that's why it's so fucking ugly. It was meant to cause terror so I could make you look like the cowards you really are. And, I'm sorry to say, that the shadow, your freak love, it was me. I took him from your world, I brought him to mine, I turned him into a boy without a body so that Benedict Capps, The Master himself, me, would only have one face. I planned it all. I wanted your lives to be interesting. He left you because I killed him. Because you needed tragedy to stop being nice, but it turns out, it didn't work. You are still a foolish little girl." He says.

"You asshole." Tiffany cries.

"Bad mouth, dirty mouth. I like it. You go see the dentist after that word. Oh, right, he's dead." He laughs. "I can see the future, Tiffany. I can see everything that's going to happen to you."

"Can you see this?" Says Storm, trying to stick a sword through his eyes, but can't when he grabs it with one hand, causing him to bleed.

"Yes, I can see everything." He says, taking the sword from her hand, and sticking it in her left eye. Storm falls down as I scream, but Tiffany raises her hand and paralyses his body. He can't believe it. He's afraid.

"No, my love. Storm! No! I will find you again. I promise. I swear." I say.

"Apparently, you have a limit in your power. I do not. Kenya's DNA is inside me. I am now an Omega. I am happy to tell you that you have succeeded. The good inside me has vanished. Goodbye, so called master." She says, breaking his body like glass, except for his head, killing him with the power given by Capps himself, then to The Terk, then to Kenya, and now to Tiffany. His head falls to the ground.

"You did it. You killed him. You killed the second most powerful being on the universe." I say.

"Yes, now I must go." She says, grabbing Capps head, and disappearing from the room. She reappears in front of the castle, as I watch her from inside. She holds Capps head in the air. Every Omega bows down to her. Seconds later, a blue demon walks over to her and says:

"You are now the ruler of our world. They are no remaining survivors of the human race. You are now our Queen."

"I am human and I will always be one. This is not the last time you will see me." She says, turning back on them, as some cheer and some stay quiet. She enters the castle, leaving the real power behind

No Omega has ever seen her leaving the castle since then. Where is she now? I can tell you that she's not in the castle.

The End

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