The Right Mistake

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In a large bright room, w where a lot of mechanical tools rest against the wall and others on top of iron shelves. Guns, swords, knives, shields, strange gadgets, and unknown machines with multiple wires connected to them. The old Alphas; Storm, MJ, and the new ones; Kenya and Tiffany, arrive at the room out of nowhere. Kenya and Tiffany stare at everything in the room, amazed by all of the equipment, as Storm and MJ act like it's nothing special.

"Wow, this is so cool." Kenya says, raising her voice from the excitement.

"It really is." Tiffany says, with a much lower voice.

"Well, come on, Kenya, we're running out of time." Storm says, as she grabs a wooden chair and moves it next to a huge machine placed against the wall, which has multiple cables, some connected to the wall and others not. "MJ, get the prototype." Storm says.

"Prototype?" Kenya says, confused, and afraid. Tiffany stands, watching MJ open a closet, and taking out a metallic robot. Its color is completely black, without a mouth and a nose, only having round holes where the eyes go, and pointy ears.

"Yes, you see, no one except for me has had to face the Terk. You're only the second case we have had in our entire history. I'm sorry, Kenya. The Terk won't stop at nothing until you're dead. Stand straight for a second, Kenya." Storm says, as Kenya does what she tells her. Storm blinks and says, "Now, turn around." Kenya turns around and Storm blinks once again.

"What's all of this? What is going to happen to me?" Kenya says, now, extremely afraid, turning around back to Storm.

"Calm down. I need you to sit down on the chair next to the machine." Storm says, while Kenya sits down on the wooden chair. Tiffany stands in a corner, as MJ carries and puts down the robot next to the other side of the machine.

"Take her blood first?" Storm says.

"What is happening?" Kenya cries, while MJ takes a needle, cleans it with her shirt, and carefully injects it into Kenya's arm. The blood goes through a tube and into a small plastic container. MJ takes out the needle from Kenya's arm and walks over to Tiffany, holding the plastic container in her hand, now, witnessing from a distance, the insane action Storm is willing to try just to save an unknown woman.

"No, this can't be happening. Wake up. Wake up! I'm dreaming! I must be dreaming." Kenya screams, while Storm ties her hands and legs to the chair with a rope. "Please, just, leave me alone!" Kenya yells.

"This is the only way." Storm says, connecting a cable from the machine to the robot. "I am sorry, Kenya." She injects another cable, which has a needle, to Kenya's arm, directly to one of her nerves. The machine in between the robot and Kenya, turns on and makes a loud annoying noise, while the cables light up, with unstable red electricity going from Kenya's body, to the machine, then to the robot. Kenya screams her heart out. Tiffany closes her eyes, cries out loud, and falls on the floor, wishing to pass out, but unfortunately witnessing the torture that her friend suffers. She cries for her Kenya, crying together, as MJ kneels down, and hugs Tiffany, while Storm stands in front of Kenya, holding her tied hand, and says:

"Almost done. Almost finished, sweetie. Soon, you won't be able to feel any pain." Kenya screams harder, just like her best friend, who cries on the ground, as she remembers the first time they met in school.

After minutes of torture, Kenya stops screaming. Her head lowers itself, losing control of her body, with her eyes left wide opened. Storm walks to the robot and says:

"Are you there?"

"Yes." The robot says, with a feminine voice, as the round holes in its eyes turn red.

"Kenya?"Tiffany says, looking at her friend's dead body and then at the robot. 

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